PHA-Exchange> Human resources for health: a global crisis - onlineresources

Claudio claudio at
Thu Apr 6 03:59:31 PDT 2006

From: "Ingrid Young" <I.Young at>

> Human resources for health: a global crisis - online resources
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> The shortage of health workers with the right expertise and ex-
> perience has reached crisis levels in many developing countries.
> The ability of health services to deliver care depends on the
> knowledge, skills and motivation of health workers. Without
> enough skilled staff in the right place at the right time health
> systems cannot function effectively and populations are left
> without the treatment and support they need.
> Recent international activities, such as the Joint-Learning Ini-
> tiative (JLI) undertaken by the Global Health Trust and the High
> Level forum on the Health MDGs, have helped to draw attention to
> the crisis in human resources for health (HRH). Critical HRH
> challenges include:
> * Migration of health workers: ways developing countries can re-
> tain them and ethical recruitment policies for developed coun-
> tries
> * The impact and implications of HIV and AIDS
> * Building donor support for HRH
> * Underinvestment in health services
> * Finding shorter-term staffing solutions, such as using substi-
> tute health workers, health extension workers, or volunteers
> * Scaling up services and the recognition of the broader work-
> force, including non professionals
> * Management and planning of health services - including decen-
> tralisation and the formation of National Plans for health
> The World Health Report for 2006 - Working together for health -
> will be launched on 7th April, World Health Day. This report fo-
> cuses on challenges to and strategies for achieving a competent,
> motivated and productive health workforce that can address
> global health needs. The launch of the report begins a 10 year
> plan of action, involving local, national and international
> level stakeholders.
> The IDS Health and Development Information Team has produced a
> range of resources which explore critical issues in human re-
> sources for health.
> Human resources for health dossier
> This dossier is an information resource on the importance of hu-
> man resources in improving health service delivery for poor peo-
> ple, developed in collaboration with the DFID Health Resource
> Centre. The dossier offers practical, up to date information
> with recommended readings, summarised documents and link to
> other resources.
> Go to:
> id21 insights health #7: Responding to the health workforce cri-
> sis
> This edition of insights health, guest edited by James Buchan,
> examines international health worker recruitment, substitute
> health workers in Africa, the use of volunteers and committing
> donors to building health workforces.
> Go to:

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