PHA-Exchange> Nine candidates nominated for top WHO post (4)

Aviva aviva at
Wed Dec 4 23:25:56 PST 2002

From: "Haroon Ashraf" <Haroon.Ashraf at>
> Nine candidates nominated for top WHO post (3)
> ----------------------------------------------
You  may be interested to know that The Lancet has been closely following 
> this campaign. In past few months The Lancet's editors and correspon-
> dents have written special reports, news, features, and commentaries 
> on WHO, the election process, the candidates, and much more. All this 
> material can be found on a dedicated part of our website:
> and this includes a discussion forum on the 
> elections. 
> Best wishes, 
> Haroon Ashraf 
> Senior Editor 
> The Lancet 
> 32 Jamestown Road 
> London NW1 7BY, UK 
> Tel: +44-207-424-4918
> Fax: +44-207-424-4911
> mailto:Haroon.Ashraf at

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