Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Sat Jun 22 11:13:20 PDT 2013

*[PHM is a member of this network]


        What We want

The network is an initiative of public interest civil society organizations
and social movements (peasants, fisherfolk, pastoralists, landless people,
consumers, urban people living in poverty, agricultural and food workers,
women, youth, and indigenous peoples) that recognize the need to act
jointly for the realization of the human right to adequate food and
nutrition. The Network opens a space for dialogue and mobilization of its
members to hold States accountable for their obligations to realize this
right; it supports the struggles of social movements and groups fighting
against the violation of this right; it supports and does its best to
protect human rights defenders against repression, violence and
criminalization; and it moves to end the impunity of state-condoned
violations and of non-state human rights abusers.
  *How we understand the right to adequate food and nutrition*

All human beings, without discrimination, are entitled to enjoy the full
realization of the human right to adequate food and nutrition. This right
guarantees people’s informed participation in the decision making and
elaboration of public policies assuring an economically, politically,
socially, and ecologically sustainable supply of adequate and nutritious
food within the frameworks of food and of people's sovereignty; it also
guarantees the enjoyment of regular access to food for all while respecting
both cultural traditions and the principle of non-discrimination.

For the Network, this right encompasses nutritional well-being and the
principles of food sovereignty.

What we do

The network will:

1.      Hold States, as duty bearers, accountable for their general and
specific obligations under International Human Rights Law, including the
Maastricht Principles on extraterritorial obligations. As a general
obligation, States must abide by the principles of non-discrimination,
equality, non-retrogression, transparency, participation, accountability
and rule of law. Specific obligations call on States to respect, protect,
and fulfill (facilitate, promote and provide), in our case, the right to
adequate food and nutrition. This implies that governments must make all
their policies, such as agricultural, food, trade, economic, environment,
social, energy and others coherent with the realization of human rights.

2.      Develop monitoring and advocacy materials and methods that members
and other partners can use when placing demands in front of States.

3.      Engage to protect human right defenders and support their work.

4.      Act as a watchdog making sure:

a.      The principles of non-discrimination and equality are respected and

b.     The State complies with its human rights obligations and non-state
actors do not abuse them. Impunity must end; and

c.      The State discharges their extraterritorial obligations.

5.      Promote the highest possible standards of nutritional well-being
for all age groups and actively foster local sustainable food systems that
support those standards including breastfeeding.

6.      Work towards the strengthening of the human rights system at all
levels, guaranteeing the binding nature of human rights law and the redress
of violations.

7.      Mobilize support for the struggles of social movements when their
human right to adequate food and nutrition or related rights are under
threat or are being violated.
 How We Work

Central to the functioning of the Network is the promotion of exchanges and
dialogue among its members. Each member has its own focus area of work; in
being members of the network they agree to work together to advance issues
of common interest deemed of great relevance for the furthering of the
human right to adequate food and nutrition. The network does not speak on
behalf of itself, but provides an avenue for members to express themselves
on shared concerns.

The members of the Network engage in debates, advocacy campaigns and/or
action days to demand redress of violations and abuses, as well as in
alerting other network members and the general public to specific themes in
need of attention. Furthermore, members also make policy recommendations
and monitor their implementation. The publishing of the Right to Food and
Nutrition Watch every year is an additional key contribution.

On the basis of these principles, the members of the Network call on all
interested public interest civil society organizations and social movements
to join, and individuals to support the work of the Network.

This appeal is backed by a charter which expands on the Networks' aims.

The network is being officially launched June 24, 2013 in Vienna on the
occasion of the Vienna+20 global meeting which PHM is attending.

Facilitating secretariat:  FIAN International
Contact: Martin Wolpold-Bosien, Wolpold-Bosien at
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