PHM-Exch> People's health Assembly 3 (PHA3) Updates March 2012

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Fri Mar 9 09:12:44 PST 2012

From: Anneleen De Keukelaere <anneleen at>

During the last two weeks, PHA3 preparations accelerated and are moving

This email is to bring you an update on the latest organisational
developments as well as on global mobilisation efforts made towards the
PHA3.  PHA3 is less than 5 months away and we call upon the movement to
fully engage with the mobilisation processes ensuring this PHA to be
people-centred and a vibrant platform for the PHM to further strategise
towards Health for All!

Please spread this message far and wide across your networks,
constituencies and mailing lists. Many organisations such as Health Systems
Trust, Equinet and International Health Policies dedicated an editorial or
space on their website announcing the PHA3. We encourage everybody to
follow their steps to spread the word about the PHA3 and as such ensuring
the Assembly to be a people driven representative health activist event!
Feel free to forward this email across your networks as well.

In this email:

   - Important deadlines

   -   PHA3 mobilisation

   -  The international People’s Heath University


*1.      **Contribute to the PHA3 program: consult in your PHM circle and
send us your suggestions!*

*Deadline for contributions is 15th of March 2012. *

* *

*Follow this link <>*

The purpose of this consultation on the program for the PHA3 is to ensure
that the program reflects the priorities and concerns of country circles,
networks and others associated with the PHM. When sending alternate
suggestions for the themes and sub-themes, please do add a few lines
motivation regarding why you think your suggestions will add value to the

Please feel free to submit names for plenary and sub plenary speakers. The
programme committee will review all proposals and make sure it is balanced.
Please note they will not be able to consider all requests and suggestions.

We especially encourage organisations from Africa to submit proposals to
ensure the PHA3 to reflect the African situation.*


*2. Organise a workshop or session during the PHA3 and inspire the movement!

*Deadline for submissions is 31st of March 2012.*

*Follow this link<>

The program is structured to allow for as much contribution from the
movement as possible. Afternoons are open for self organised activities
where networks, PHM circles, organisations can organise a workshop, session
or any other kind of activity. We encourage groups to submit a proposal.
Please contact us should you need to discuss the cost.

 *3.      **Register now for PHA3!*

*Please note that the deadline for registration is 14 April 2012.*

* *

*Follow this link <>*

*However after 31st of March 2012, it will no longer be possible to apply
for sponsorship* to attend the PHA3.  Unfortunately, the number of
scholarships we can provide is very low as the financial environment has
made fundraising extremely difficult.

We therefore encourage everybody to secure additional or partial funding to
attend and recommend approaching your organisation or academic institution
to sponsor you.

*4.      **Call for documentaries, arts and culture*

*Follow this link <>*

During the PHA3, a film and documentary festival will be organised and we
are calling for  suggestions for documentaries you believe to be relevant
to the program.

There will also be space for showing of short film material with relevant
case studies, campaign videos etc. Please let us know of any organisational
videos, campaign videos, interviews etc that can be shown.


In the lead up to the PHA3 groups are organising and planning activities
for before and during the PHA3. Below are some examples of what people have
been engaging with. Please feel free to send us your PHA3 news and we would
be happy to include it in the next PHA3 NEWS!

   - Nepalese students organised a documentary and discussion evening,
   developed a Facebook page and webpage and published their first newsletter!

   - In Ghana last week,  IFMSA students met and agreed to organise towards
   the PHA3 assisting in building a global network of PHM students and are
   preparing for submitting a proposal for a self organised session at the

   - PHM South Africa increased activities to build civil society
   coalitions to mobilise towards PHA3 and to organise the National Health
   Assembly. This week, the GHW3 was launched in Johannesburg and next week it
   will be launched in Cape Town!

   - PHM Togo in collaboration with Unicef, is organising a PHA3 regional
   assembly from 12 to 14 March bringing PHM members from the region together
   to analyse their situation and to start strategizing jointly for regional

   - PHM UK is  putting a lot of energy to organise a concurrent event
   whereby UK Students, PHM members and other interested individuals will come
   together to follow and link with the PHA3 online!

   - Organisations working around reproductive justice are building a
   global network towards the PHA3 preparing self organised sessions during
   the Assembly!


Preceding the PHA3, the International People’s Health University
of the People's Health Movement (PHM <>), jointly
with the International Budget Partnership
South Africa and PHM-South Africa are organising a short course for young
health activists ‘Struggle for health’ taking place from 25 June to 4 July
in Cape Town at the University of the Western Cape.

Application deadline: 25th March 2012
Online application available
in English at:
in French at:

Further details at:

The main course will be preceded by a mandatory
online<>preparation during
the period 12 April - 20 May 2012.

For more information on any of the above, feel free to contact
Anneleen at

Warm wishes
On behalf of the Global Secretariat
Anneleen De Keukelaere
Global Networking Co-ordinator People's Health Movement

Tel: +27 (0) 73 184 9358 -  Fax: +27 (0) 86 652 4805
Skype ID:
Mailing Address: PO Box 13698, St Peter's Square, Mowbray 7705, Cape Town,
South Africa

Third People's Health Assembly - July 2012 - Cape Town
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