PHM-Exch> online consultation on the Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition (GSF)

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Mon Aug 1 16:26:37 PDT 2011

*The CFS is launching a global and inclusive **online consultation on the
Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition (GSF) **– a
document that will guide nationally and regionally owned plans of action in
the effort to sustainably eradicate hunger and malnutrition. *

*It is an opportunity for all stakeholders around the world to participate
in the global policy debate and ultimately contribute to this important
framework. *

*Please find below the opening note by the facilitator, Francisco Sarmento.
We encourage all stakeholders to take part and we particularly welcome
collective contributions from organisations and networks; please let us know
how if you wish to involve your network or institution and help us spreading
the word out. *

*Please note that there is no need to register to take part; contributions
can be sent either to fsn-moderator at or posted on the consultation
website and are welcome in
French <>,
Spanish <>,
Arabic <>,
Russian <> and
Chinese <>. *

*The consultation is open from the 26th of July to the 15th of October.*

*More information is available on the CFS consultation

*We look forward to hearing from you! *

*The FSN Forum Team*

Opening Note: Online Consultation on the CFS Global Strategic Framework

Welcome to the Online Consultation on the CFS Global Strategic Framework.

This online consultation that will open on the 26th of July and run through
the 15th of October 2011, is designed to support the work of the Committee
on World Food Security (CFS), by taking advantage of innovative technologies
to gather views and inputs from relevant partners.

The CFS has just undergone a reform process to be the foremost inclusive
international and intergovernmental platform for a broad range of committed
stakeholders to work together in a coordinated manner and in support of
country-led processes towards the elimination of hunger and ensuring food
security and nutrition for all human beings.  For further background on the
CFS reform, see the *CFS Reform

The objective of this online consultation is to give to all stakeholders, at
national, regional and global levels, the opportunity to provide concrete
inputs and suggestions to one of the important tasks agreed to by the
Committee, which is to develop a *Global Strategic Framework for Food
Security and Nutrition (GSF)* an important framework to enhance the roles of
the reformed CFS and to guide food security and nutrition policies and
action at all levels.
A summary of this online consultation will be presented at the 37th Session
of the CFS, which will take place in Rome, the 17th to the 22nd of October

This consultation is based on the *Annotated Outline for the
*, the contents of which are intended to be indicative and to “stimulate
discussion and debate”, especially regarding the priority issues and policy
I would like to invite you to read this document and provide your views and
inputs.  You may consider your possible contribution by considering and
answering (some or all) of the questions below.  References that may be
useful to support the analysis and policy options are welcome.
Guiding questions

1.     *Is the rationale, purpose, and function of the GSF clearly stated,
and if not, what specific changes would you suggest?*

2.     *Are there structural causes of food insecurity and malnutrition and
additional long-term challenges that should be considered, which do you
think are the most relevant?*

3.     *Are there additional issues to be considered, and which do you think
are most relevant for the GSF to include? *

4.     *Are there additional policy options that should be considered, and
which policy options do you think are most relevant for the GSF to include?*

5.     *Regarding monitoring progress towards food security and nutrition
objectives at all levels (national, regional, global), what kind of guidance
should the GSF provide, and to whom? *

I would like to thank you in advance for helping to raise awareness of this
consultation, providing feedback on the GSF Annotated Outline and giving
specific suggestions for the development of the GSF.

The FSN Forum team and the CFS Secretariat will do all that is possible to
ensure that “the voices of all relevant CFS stakeholders – particularly
those most affected by food insecurity - are heard” as stated in the CFS
Reform Document, but I kindly request that you please assist us in getting
the word out and helping those people participate as much as possible.

I am looking forward to a rich and constructive consultation.

*Francisco Sarmento – Facilitator *
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