PHA-Exchange> PHM Global Right to Health and Health Care Campaign Update

Claudio claudio at
Mon Mar 19 23:56:28 PDT 2007

PHM Right to Health and Health Care Campaign Update (Espa~ol abajo)

Word is spreading about the PHM RTHCC and we are receiving inquiries from around the world. 

We have received funding from NOVIB and Save the Children UK (Thank you!) to initiate the campaign in Africa and Latin America. There is another request pending for Asian countries.

We are in the process of identifying groups that are capable of organizing the campaign in various countries and formalizing our relationships with campaign committees. We have several countries each in Africa and the Americas that are actively starting to organize. There are many other countries with interest but that haven't coalesced into active committees yet. We will present the campaign at the upcoming PHM India National Health Assembly, International People's Health University and PHM Steering Group meetings, March 23-27 in Bhopal.

As countries are getting involved, we are translating the campaign documents. Currently, the Assessment Guide is available in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Several other translations are underway (French, Kiswahili and others). 

In order to provide in-country training on the campaign itself, and to organize/strengthen local PHM circles, we are in the process of (for now) recruiting and training 4 organizers over the next month (2 for Africa and 2 for the Americas). During April, they will be visiting the campaign committees in the various countries to help them get organized and provide some training on the use of the Assessment Guide (to be found in . Some of these committees are coming together in countries that do not have an active PHM circle. Where that is the case, we are requiring the formation of one. Each country will receive a small financial stipend to carry out the campaign on a 'first come first serve' basis until our current funds run out.
The countries that have expressed an interest and are organizing so far are: Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Peru, Mexico, Benin, Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Australia, Korea and the USA. If you know of people or organizations in these (or any other) countries who should be involved with the campaign and PHM, please do refer them to us.

Looking ahead, the assessment process should be underway from May to July, with country strategy meetings discussing the results and planning concrete lobbying and advocacy actions occuring in August. As we move into Phase II of the process towards the end of the year, we will move towardsorganizing and carrying out regional assemblies to discuss international level actions that support the national demands generated by the local campaigns.

We would like to thank those who have been working in many different ways on this project. As always, we welcome and need assistance in many areas, on both the national and global levels. If you are interested in getting involved, contact us and we will connect you to the others in your country who are getting organized. Help is especially needed with translation, fundraising, and with communications. Contact the core group if you can help in any of these. 

In Solidarity,

Claudio Schuftan (claudio at, 
Laura Turiano (phm at
Campaign Coordinators

Bolentin de puesta al dia de la Campa~a de Derecho a la Salud del Movimiento por la Salud de los Pueblos (MSP). 

La Campa~a de los DAS esta siendo conocida globalmente y se esta extendiendo;  estamos recibiendo solicitudes de todo el mundo.

NOVIB y Save the Children UK nos han financiado generosaente para iniciar la campa~a en Latinoamerica y Africa. Una  propuesta para Asia esta pendiente. 

Estamos en el proceso de indentificar grupos capaces de organizar la campa~a en distintos paises y de formalizar nuestra relacion con los comites MSP a nivel nacional. Tenemos varios paises en Africa y Latinoamerica que han comenzado a organizarse activamente y hay muchos otros donde hay interes pero no se han aun creado comites. Estaremos presentando la campa~a en las reuniones del "Steering Council"de MSP, y la Universidad Internacional de los Pueblos que estan planificados durante la Asemblea Nacional de Salud del MSP en India en la ciudad de Bhopal, marzo 23-27.

Los documentos de la campa~a estan siendo traducidos. Ahora la Guia de Diagnostico de los DAS esta disponible en ingles, espa~ol, y portuguese (ver Otras traducciones estan en proceso (frances, kiswahili, y otras). 

Para presentar y dar una orientacion a la campa~a y ayudar a la creacion o consolidacion de los circulos MSP nacionales, estamos en proceso de reclutar y capacitar 4 promotores durante el mes proximo (2 para Africa y 2 para las Americas). Ellos visitaran a los comites en los distintos paises para ayudarles a organizarse y capacitarlos sobre el uso de la Guia de Evaluacion. Algunos de las comites de la campania se estan formando en paises donde no hay un circulo de MSP. En este caso, requerimos que se los mismos se formen. Cada pais recibira fondos para inciar la campania sobre la base de "first come, first serve", hasta que se acabe la cantidad que tenemos presupuestada.

Los paises interesados que se estan organizando hasta ahora son: Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Peru, Mexico, Benin, Kenya, Malawi, Sudafrica, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Korea y los EEUU. Si conocen a personas u organizaciones en estos paises (o cualquier otro) que deseen involucrarse en la campa~a  y en el MSP, por favor refieranlos a nosotros. 

Mirando hacia el futuro, el proceso de evaluacion deberia llevarse a cabo durante los meses de mayo y julio, con reuniones nacionales de sintesis para formular estrategias a realizarse en agosto. En la fase II de la campania, prepararemos y ralizaremos  assembleas regionales para preparar acciones internacionales en apoyo a las demandas nacionales.

Agredecemos a todo/as ustedes quienes han ayudado en distintas formas a este proyecto. Como siempre, necesitamos mas ayuda en los distintos niveles nacionales tanto como a nivel internacional. Si tienen interes en involucrarse, por favor escribannos y asi los conectamos con las personas que se estan organizando en la campa~a en cada pais. (Pueden escribir en castellano).

Saludos solidarios, 

Claudio Schuftan (claudio at, 
Laura Turiano (phm at
Coordinadores de la campa~a
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