PHA-Exchange> PHA2 VISAS

claudio at claudio at
Wed Jun 15 17:03:08 PDT 2005

de María Hamlin Zúniga <maria at> -----


On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the People’s Health Assembly 2,  we
wish to inform you that a meeting was held between Mr. Diego Victoria,
representative of the Pan American Health Organization in Ecuador and
Ambassador Gonzolo Andrade, Director of Migration of the Ministry of Foreign
Relations of the Government of Ecuador.  

We are pleased to inform you about the agreement concerning visas for
countries where there is no Embassy or Consulate of Ecuador.


1.	List of the delegates with the following information:

*        Complete name as it appears in the passport.

*        Number of the passport, which must be valid for at least the next
six months.

*        Itinerary of the trip 

2.    The list should be sent to the following e mail address:
          visaspha2 at

The last date for reception of the lists is Sunday, June 26, 2005
3 Delegates must legalize their entry into the country at the office of
the Ministry of Foreign Relations in Cuenca.

4.  The cost of the visa is $60.00 US

5.  All delegates are expected to carry their credential at all times.

Information about Diplomatic representations of Ecuador around the world can
be found at the website

Arturo Quizhpe.
PHA2 Organizing Committee

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