PHA-Exchange> Our condolences to Malachi Orondo in Kenya

claudio at claudio at
Mon Jun 6 06:03:24 PDT 2005

You can write dioirectly to Malachi Orondo <oromal at> -----
   Mon, 6 Jun 2005 01:53:10 -0700 (PDT)
Daer PHM colleagues,
  I am sad to inform to you that I lost my dear wife Edith
in a terrible flooding incident when she was tryng to
cross a flooded stream; she got swept away and died. I will
burry her on 11th. June. She died on 27th. May 2005.
Kindly inform PHA Family. All the same I will attend
   Malachi, Kenya.

Dear Malachi,
I know I speak in the name of all our members in extending to you our felt 
condolences. it is in these tragic situation where our extended family is 
closest to our members. We will be thinking about you the 1th when you and your 
beloved bury Edith.
May she rest in peace.

 A warm hug

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