PHA-Exchange> Edition 2: A view from the Secretariat, Aug 27 2004

PHM-Secretariat secretariat at
Fri Aug 27 05:01:58 PDT 2004

For PHA Exchange


A view from the Secretariat


Edition: 02                                                                                          Aug 27th 2004


Dear Friends,



Continuing with the previous update, this is to keep you informed about some more of the PHM Activities all over the world.


PHM Mauritius, Africa

Mouvement Sante Communataire (PHM Mauritius) held its first International Health Forum as an Alma Ata Anniversary initiative on 31st July and 1st August 2004. The Creole and Bhojpuri translations of the People's Charter for Health were launched. PHM Global was represented by Prof. David Sanders (PHM South Africa) and Dr. Zafrullah Chowdhury (PHM Bangladesh). A more detailed report will be featured on the Exchange shortly. [Mr. Jagadish Goburdhun (mscmu at and Dr. Rudul Boodhun (rudul at]. 


PHM Geneva, Europe

Some PHM members and CETIM Geneva are planning a book on Neo liberal obstacles to Health for All for release at People's Health Assembly in Ecuador. The book will be action oriented with the aim of encouraging and mobilizing people through awareness raising of the neo-liberal obstacles to Health for All and to showing that action  can be taken to counter it by providing examples of success in resistance.


To increase the widest possible representation in the book, the group may organize workshops on the themes / chapters at PHA II for inputs, comments and additions.


It will be multi-sectoral in focus and editions in French, English, Spanish are planned. All PHM members are invited to contribute and circulate [contact Alison (katza at and Claudio (Claudio at for further details].


PHM Italy, Europe

AIFO Italy, the PHM focal point in Italy and PHM Africa are inviting articles in English, French, Portuguese, Italian from activists, NGOs and grass roots organizations based in Africa related to experience of innovative approaches in community involvement; community participation; community awareness; improving access and awareness and health care for disadvantaged groups; and creative methods for health promotion and strengthening of local organizations.


Articles selected by an International Jury will be part of a book to be released and distributed at PHA II. The objective is to give more international voice to health activists in Africa; advocate greater support; strengthen networking; and enhance involvement of Africa in PHM and PHA II [For further details contact Sunil Deepak - sunil.deepak at]. 


Karachi, Pakistan

Dr. Kausar Khan, Professor of Social Sciences at Aga Khan University and a PHM supporter informed us of her recent experience of teaching the People's Charter for Health and using the Russian version of the Charter as a discussion document among students in Tajikistan in a 3 week course on Community based social development. The students have shared their endorsement through her. (kausar.skhan at 


[If any of you have used the charter or any other PHM materials in your training programes and courses, please let us know].



IFMSA - PHM Evolving Linkage

The International Federation of Medical Students Association (IFMSA) co-facilitated a workshop on Medical education at PHA - I in December 2000. At Geneva, May 2004, the PHM Coordinator met around 12-14 IFMSA delegates to WHA and after a short orientation, invited them to actively link into PHM by joining GHW and PHA II initiatives. They were also encouraged to involve their members, who are bilingual (English / Spanish) to help Latin American PHM with PHA II.


Emily Spry, the president of IFMSA writes - "Its excellent to hear from you. I know that Andreas has already been talking to some youth organizations about volunteers for the PHA  in Ecuador (lunesco at At the moment we are all in Macedonia with around 600 students from 80 countries arriving tomorrow for our General Assembly. Thanks again and delighted to have our links with PHM revived".


Global Health Watch

This initiative towards an Alternative World Health report is evolving though meetings, teleconferencing and email dialogue with the objective of providing a platform for academics, policy analysis, activists and non governmental organizations to promote the accountability of global institution that effect health (WHO, WTO, G8, World Bank); identify unfair, injustice policies and practices at global and national level; highlight needs of the poor and reinvigorate the principles of Health for All; shift health policies to recognize political, social and economic barriers to health; and advocate alternative to market driven approach. 


The GHW initiative, a collaborative effort of PHM with Global Equity Gauge Alliance and Medact have called for case studies short essays and testimonies for the 2005 report. (visit for further details and contributions)


Looking forward to hearing from all of you


Best wishes


The PHM Secretariat Team


PS: One of the purposes of these short updates from the secretariat in the exchange is to invite the "PHM - Digital conduits" to disseminate the information further to the e-marginalised groups with whom they are working [Digital conduits are the PHM friends who are moderately e-enabled and could act as a conduits to disseminate information and bring the voices of the e-marginalised into this newsletter. So do circulate this newsletter to others, who cannot access]


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