PHA-Exchange> International AIDS conference Bangkok- (3 meetings PHM is co-hosting / organising and facilitating (between July 9th and 18th) : Details of the venue, dates and timings

UNNIKRISHNAN P.V. (Dr) unnikru at
Tue Jun 22 21:14:48 PDT 2004

Dear friends and colleagues

As you are aware, the International AIDS conference will be held in Bangkok (Thailand). People's Health Movement is facilitating (/ co-hosting/ organising / participating in) three events that will be held in Bangkok between July 9th and 18th. Please contact Prem John (prem_john at write to  hiv at / prem_john at or unnikru at for details and to participate.

Please let us know if you are going to be in Bangkok and please join ! A PHM team will be active in all these meetings. The meetings/ sessions are organised / facilitated in collaboration with many PHM networks and associates like ActionAid International.  


People's Charter on HIV& AIDS.

Amplifying the voices of people infected and affected by HIV & AIDS

 Meeting 1: Satellite meeting

Date: Monday 12th July 2004 ;  Time: 20:15 to 22:15 ; Place: IMPACT Room G

Meeting 2: Global Village Session

Date: Tuesday 13th July 2004;   Time: 10:30 to 12:30 ; Place: Global Village Room 2

The People's Charter on HIV & AIDS is a consensus charter (campaign document) that aims to provide the people's perspective on HIV & AIDS and related issues like access, rights and equality. Developed at a grassroots level spanning Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas, it calls for immediate action. The Charter encourages people living with and affected by HIV & AIDS to develop their own solutions and to hold accountable local authorities, national governments, international organisations and corporations. The People's Charter on HIV/ AIDS is to create a world in which people are placed above profits and politics, and those living with and affected by HIV & AIDS are given the appropriate health, medical,social and political responses.


Meeting 3: Asian People's Alliance for Combating HIV & AIDS (APACHA)- 

Supporting people-oriented actions on HIV & AIDS- A BRAIN STORMING SESSION

Date: Friday 9th July 2004; Time: 10:00 to 15:00 ; Place: Sala Thai, Ambassador Hotel*, Bangkok (Ambassador Hotel, Soi 11-15, Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok 10110: The hotel is about fi ve minutes walk from Nana BTS (sky train) station).

Positive people networks, NGOs, INGOs, trade unions and other associations, media and communication strategists, UN agencies and government representatives are invited. The objective is to facilitate people-oriented actions on HIV & AIDS. People's Health Movement and ActionAid International take this opportunity to facilitate a one-day consultation in Bangkok. We invite you and your team to participate in this brainstorming consultation. We hope your participation will also help to build on the ongoing efforts and thus avoid duplication.


Prem John & Unnikrishnan 

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