PHA-Exchange> Health NOW! Campaign update June 18, 2004

Wim De Ceukelaire wim.deceukelaire at
Fri Jun 18 05:06:44 PDT 2004

Iraq: Lack of clean water and adequate sanitation as public health problems
[en] After more than a decade under embargo and more than a year of war and
occupation, many water and sewage treatment plants in Iraq are in a sorry
state. U.S. war profiteer Bechtel Corporation has been awarded huge
contracts for the rehabilitation of water treatment plants but lack of
sanitation and potable water is becoming a serious public health problem in
occupied Iraq.

 Pollution Chokes the Tigris, a Main Source of Baghdad’s Drinking Water

 IRAQ: Inadequate sewage disposal blamed for hepatitis outbreak (2004-06-01)

 IRAQ: Briefing paper on water and sanitation (2004-05-24)


"Free" trade threatens access to medicines [en]
[en] The United States is consistently pushing for very restrictive
intellectual property provisions in free trade agreements with other
countries. These agreements will severely hamper people's access to
medicines worldwide.

 New Report Warns that US Trade Negotiations are Threatening Access to
Medicines Worldwide (2004-05-14)

 Central American Trade Bill No Boon for the Poor; U.S. to Sign 'CAFTA'
Trade Agreement (2004-05-27)

 Freer Trade Weakens Access to HIV/AIDS Drugs (2004-05-21)


Afghanistan: Occupying forces blamed for endangering humanitarian aid [en]
[en] Five staff members of the aid agency Médecins sans Frontières were
killed in Afghanistan on June 2. This tragic event draws the world's
attention once more to the worsening security situation in occupied
Afghanistan, which severely hampers relief work. Moreover, aid agencies
blame the occupying forces for linking humanitarian aid with military
objectives, thus endangering the lives of aid workers.

 Coalition forces endanger humanitarian action in Afghanistan (2004-06-05)

 U.N. Secretary-General condemns murder of five aid workers (2004-06-03)

 AFGHANISTAN: UN expresses outrage over MSF attack (2004-06-03)

 Aid as a weapon in the 'war on terror' (2004-06-10)

 L’aide comme arme dans la « guerre contre le terrorisme » (2004-06-10)


Health Sector Reforms: Hazardous to Women’s Health [en]
Reformas del Sector Salud: Peligrosas para la salud de la mujer [es]
Les réformes du secteur de la santé: un danger pour la santé des femmes [fr]
[en] Every year, WGNRR publishes a Call for Action to raise awareness and
promote solidarity and action on the International Day of Action for Women’s
Health. The 2004 Call for Action observes that Health sector reforms have
not led to positive outcomes. Women and marginalized groups suffer the most.

[es] Cada año, la RMMDR publica un Llamado a la Acción para difundir y
promover la solidaridad y la acción en el Día Internacional de Acción por la
salud de la mujer. Según esta Llamado a la Acción, las reformas del sector
salud no han tenido los resultados positivos. Las mujeres y los grupos
marginales son los que más sufren por esto.

[fr] Chaque année, le RMFDR publie un Appel à l’action pour sensibiliser l’
opinion et promouvoir la solidarité et l’action lors de la Journée
internationale d’action pour la santé des femmes. Selon l'Appel à l’action,
les réformes du secteur de la santé n’ont pas eu les résultats escomptés par
leurs concepteurs et ce sont les femmes et les groupes marginalisés qui en
souffrent le plus.

 Health Sector Reforms: Hazardous to Women’s Health (2004-05-28)

 Les réformes du secteur de la santé: un danger pour la santé des femmes

 Reformas del Sector Salud: Peligrosas para la salud de la mujer
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