PHA-Exchange> Re: PHA-Exchange Digest, Vol 4, Issue 15

David McCoy David.McCoy at
Mon Jun 16 11:17:28 PDT 2003

Iraq-Attack Think Tank Turns Wrath on NGOs
By Jim Lobe

WASHINGTON, Jun 12 (IPS) - Having led the charge to war in Iraq, an influential think tank close to the Bush administration has added a new target: international non-governmental organisations (NGOs).

Not just any international NGOs, but especially, if not exclusively, those with a "progressive" or "liberal" agenda that favours "global
governance" and other notions that are also are promoted by the United Nations and other multilateral agencies.

The American Enterprise Institute (AEI) announced Wednesday that it, along with another right-wing group, the Federalist Society for Law and Public

Policy Studies, is launching a new website ( to expose the funding, operations and agendas of international NGOs, and particularly 
their alleged efforts to constrain U.S. freedom of action in international affairs and influence the behaviour of corporations abroad.

They are especially alarmed by what they see as the naivete in dealing with NGOs of both Bush administration and corporations that are providing
them with funding and other support. "In many cases, naive corporate reformers, within corporations and in government, are welcoming them," complained
John Entine, an AEI fellow.

To mark the site's launch, AEI also held an all-day conference, entitled 'NGOs: The Growing Power of an Unelected Few,' which featured a series
of presentations depicting NGOs as a growing and largely unaccountable threat to the Bush administration's foreign policy goals and free-market 
capitalism around the world. The conference was co-sponsored by the right-wing Australian think tank, the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA).

"NGOs have created their own rules and regulations and demanded that governments and corporations abide by those rules", according to the  conference organisers. "Politicians and corporate leaders are often forced to respond to the NGO media machine, and the resources of taxpayers and shareholders are used in support of ends they did not sanction''.

"The extraordinary growth of advocacy NGOs in liberal democracies has the potential to undermine the sovereignty of constitutional democracies, as
well as the effectiveness of credible NGOs'', they said.

Both the website launch and Wednesday's conference might normally be dismissed as a pep rally of a far right obsessed with left-wing and European conspiracies to impose world government on the United States and destroy capitalism.

But the fact that no less than 42 senior administration foreign-policy and 
justice officials were recruited from AEI and the Federalists and that AEI ''fellows'' include such prominent figures as Lynne Cheney (the vice 
president's spouse), former UN Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick, and the influential Iraq hawk and former chairman of the Pentagon's Defense Policy 
Board, Richard Perle, suggests that Wednesday's events may herald a much more antagonistic attitude towards NGOs on the part of the government.

The conference was also held on the heels of harshly critical remarks late last month by Andrew Natsios, the director of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), which often contracts with NGOs for relief and development work. Among other charges, Natsios reportedly charged that NGOs that received USAID funding for projects in Afghanistan and elsewhere were not giving sufficient credit to the U.S. government as the source of the aid.

His remarks coincided with moves by USAID to use more private contractors, instead of NGOs, for work in Iraq and other countries, and impose stricter  rules regarding contacts between NGOs working on USAID projects and the press that would reduce their independence.

In that context, according to one international NGO official who asked not to be identified, the AEI conference could be seen as part of a troublesome 
pattern. "There are a number of things we're seeing that we want to be sure  are nothing more than coincidence", he said.

The general message at Wednesday's conference was that, while NGOs like Amnesty International, CARE, Oxfam, and Friends of the Earth, have performed valuable work in promoting human rights, development, and environmental protection, their general policies, particularly at the international level, may be inimical to the U.S. interests and free-market 

According to George Washington University political science professor Jarol Manheim, international NGOs are pursuing ''a new and pervasive form of 
conflict'' against multi-national corporations which he calls ''Biz-War'', the title of his forthcoming book.

NGOs, for example, work with like-minded institutional investors, such as union and church-based pension funds, to sponsor shareholder resolutions 
demanding that corporations adopt more environment- or 
human-rights-friendly policies.

Such efforts, he said, should be seen as ''part of a larger, anti-corporate campaign'' which also includes consumer boycotts and other efforts to influence corporate behaviour. Companies are increasingly engaging in joint projects with NGOs, using NGOs as consultants, or even hiring former NGO officials to protect themselves against negative publicity.

This was echoed by John Entine, an AEI adjunct fellow, who called the ''social investing'' movement, as it is called, a ''wolf in sheep's clothing.''Anti-free market NGOs under the guise of corporate reform are
extending their reach into the boardrooms of corporations'', he said.

Cornell University government professor Jeremy Rabkin was particularly contemptuous of corporations that tried to establish good relations with NGOs by, for example, working on joint projects or contributing money or other kinds of support. ''Why are NGOs in a position to confer legitimacy''? he asked. ''A lot of this is a kind of protection racket''.

On the political front, international NGOs, which in recent years led the fight for the global ban on anti-personnel mines, the Kyoto Protocol to fight global warming, and the treaty establishing the International 
Criminal Court (ICC), are pursuing a ''liberal internationalist'' vision that ''wants to constrain the United States'', according to American University law professor Kenneth Anderson.

They prefer a world order based on ''global governance'' and the rule of international law to one that is based on ''democratic sovereignty''
which considers nation-states whose governments are subject to the vote of the people the highest authority. In this quest, they are aided by UN
agencies which see in international NGOs and the global civil society they claim to represent as an ''alternative form of legitimacy beyond democracy'', he said.

''If you think about it, of course this is a left-wing programme'', said Jeremy Rabkin, who teaches government at Cornell University. ''The whole
enterprise of global governance is going to appeal more to the parties of the left. ...If it is global, it is anti-national'', he said, at one
point noting that the original notion of a non-governmental organisation was a''Stalinist concept''. (IPS)

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