PHA-Exchange> - A Vision for Medical Schools

claudio aviva at
Mon Jun 9 09:09:28 PDT 2003

Aron, can you forward to Dr Suskind?

 Social Accountability - A Vision for Canadian Medical Schools

> Social Accountability
> A Vision for Canadian Medical Schools
> Health Canada
> Available online as PDF file [13p.] at:
> <http://www.hc->
> ".........By identifying and responding to the needs of the community,
> whether defined by risk or by geography, and by ensuring that individual
> graduating physicians understand their role in society, Canadian medical
> schools, along with their partners, have a major role to play in
> the changes in the health care system that are necessary to ensure an
> effective, efficient, accessible, equitable and sustainable system in the
> 21st century.
> WHO has defined the Social Accountability of Medical Schools as "the
> obligation to direct their education, research and service activities
> towards addressing the priority health concerns of the community, region,
> and/or nation they have a mandate to serve. The priority health concerns
> to be identified jointly by governments, health care organizations, health
> professionals and the public." Social responsiveness is a complementary
> capability by which a medical school responds to societal needs and acts
> proactively to meet those needs....."

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