PHA-Exchange> News from Brazil

Maria Hamlin Zuniga iphc at
Sat Aug 10 11:17:18 PDT 2002

Friends of PHM,
Yesterday 7 August, for the fifth time the national Camara of Brasil
postponed the voting on the "renting" of the Space Bace in
Alcântara,Mmaranhão to the UNited states of America.
This is due to the amount of pressure coming from our popular movements and
those of you in other countries who have written to our Deputados,asking
them to vote "no" on allowing USA the use of the Space Bace. for that we owe
you a great THANK YOU.

The issue is now slated for voting in two weeks.
Please send more letters to Deputado Zenaldo Coutinho
dep.zenaldocoutinho at
who is the coordinador of the Constitution and Justice Commisiton of the
Federal Camara (Congress), asking that Brasi not accept the agreement that
was sigened in april of 2000.

many of you will remember our presentation in Savar at the PHA in December
of that year.

Usa military taking posession of the Space bace will give them full control
over all the Amazon and Latin America.
We are in a very srtrong National campaign against ALCA and the handing over
of the Alântara Space base.
It is having its effect.
a million thanks and health to all.
Ani Caroline Wihbey, SND PHM

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