PHA-Exchange> PHM - WHA media strategy : An update

aviva aviva at
Sat Mar 30 05:46:05 PST 2002

Dear Dr. Ravi  (and friends)
Greetings from the earthquake affected areas of Turkey !

In continuation to my telephonic conversation with you last week, this
is an update on the media campaign for the WHA-PHM event. The situation
is promising.  

Responses + Meetings :  

I have received response for the media work from : Eric ram, Manoj,
Fawzia and 
1) Andy       2) Dr. Ravi        3) Dr.Zafrullah      4) Dr. Quasem  5)
Satya Sivaraman 6) Bala 7) Dr. Ekbal
I met ( / talked / are in touch through e-mail) Eric Ram, Manoj, Fawzia
and few other people who are in Geneva. I will be meeting Bala at
Geneva next week. Bala has send a detailed response with some very
interesting ideas and information that can be used for the media work.
Some of the updated "vital statistics" he sent is very useful. We
welcome more information (Facts and figures) from anyone that will help
to add 'spice' to the contents.
As suggested by Fawzia, I had a long and very productive meeting with
Mr. Paul Ress, a senior Geneva-based journalist. Some of you may be
knowing him. He strongly believes in the cause of the PHM and his
suggestions have opened up many possibilities for more media coverage.
He has agreed to take us and introduce us to serious journalists who
work from the UN office . This will happen on my return to Geneva, next
One suggestion : Instead of having a symbolic March (from WCC to the
venue), it may be better to have a symbolic (stationary) demonstration
in front of the UN office (near the "broken" / Handicap International
Chair). Strategically, this is better as it will be difficult for
journalists / photographers to come and cover anything that is away
from the venue of the WHA. Moreover, (1) the new location is central
and (2) remaining in a single centralised place for a longer time may
be more useful than a moving march. We may hold this on Wednesday, 15th
of May from 12 to 3 pm. This timing may give us more time to advertise
and organise the event.
We will be able to get a clear picture about the police regulations
about organising such an event next week.    

Could you all volunteer  (or suggest people who could) to write short
briefing papers on some of the topics that we have suggested ? Since
there are not many volunteers to come forward, to begin with, we make
the following suggestions:
1) Based on the provisional programme that is available today (attached
with this), Report of the WHO Macroeconomics commission on health is
being discussed on the very first day. Journalists have shown keen
interest to know about the " other side" of this much talked about
report. I have seen a comment / critique of the report on MEDACT's
website. Could the MEDACT team or individuals who worked on the
critique develop a briefing paper, please on this issue?
2) Dr. Ekbal  suggested the need to include an update on the follow up
of PHA in different countries. Well, we have bounced the ball back to
him and requested to write a briefing paper on post PHA initiatives in
India (as an example / exception). We hope we can get more info from
regions to give a general overview of post PHA activities.
3) We have just send a mail to Dr. Zafruallh to approach James Love to
write a paper on "WTO and the recent developments in the drug commerce
side". ("Life saving drugs- Healthy industry and unhealthy people ?")  

Regards and in solidarity

  From: Fawzia Rasheed 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 4:16 PM
  Subject: Re: PHA- WHA media strategy- 

  Dear All
  Unni and I had a detailed discussion yesterday.  Just to say I
endorse his strategy and his leadership in this role.  We discussed the
varying perspectives re material that needs to be timed for the WHA
(systemic issues relevant to WHO and the UN system) and other topics 
(eg Afghanistan) which do not necessarily need to be addressed within a
particular time framework.  It looks to me that Unni can handle the
range.  The strategy of working on a given set of briefs and through
predetermined dissemination paths, appears right.
  I have some material relevant to the list of topics proposed, which I
will pass on to Unni.  Perhaps others can do the same.  We are going to
keep hearing how short time is.  I propose to let him follow his
instincts and do whatever he can while we bring in material and
additional help towards extensive coverage.   My feeling is that we may
want to add to the list of topics and volunteer against particular
items in terms of assisting with content.  We may want to make a
distinction between press releases from the PHM (to be cleared by this
group?) and anything else which might refer to the PHM - which would
fall into the big wide world of the press - and over which we should
not bother to attempt to exercise control. As the saying goes and in
our case might well be true..all press is good press.
  I can help on WHO's role in drugs and the WHO governance/staffing
issues. I will be handing over what I have to Unni in the first week of
April.  Anything that Unni has ready in terms of written pieces, I
recommend he circulate to get a yes/no decision re whether it is an
official release from the PHM or otherwise.
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