>From Equinetn and th South Centrte<br><br><br>
German Velasquez, South Centre<br>
On 5 February 2013, in a ceremony at the WTO, the three Director
Generals of WTO, WIPO and the WHO launched the trilateral publication
<span style="color:rgb(51,51,255)">“Promoting Access to Medical Technologies and Innovation”,</span> the fact that
a publication regarding public health was launched at the headquarters
of the WTO is a reflection of the increasing importance of public health
issues in the context of WTO and WIPO, an issue on which the WHO has
been the leader.<br>
The study shows progress on the part of the WTO and WIPO since they
talk about these issues without “taboo”, however it does not give a
complete picture of the extent to which WHO has lead this issue over the
past decade. 17 resolutions by the World Health Assembly adopted
between 1996 and 2012 are cited in the report in a table on page 44
concerning intellectual property and health. These resolutions are of
highly prescriptive character, for the secretariat and for countries on
how to protect public health from the possible negative impact of new
international trade rules. Despite numerous resolutions and publications
in the last 15 years by the WHO on this issue, many of which are not
mentioned in the report, the disclaimer of the document says that “(…)
the published material is being distributed without warranty of any
kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the
interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event
shall the WHO, WIPO and the WTO be liable for any consequences
whatsoever arising from its use.”<br>
This could give the wrong impression to the reader of this report that
the WHO has no opinion on whether a compulsory license may, in special
circumstances, facilitate access to drugs, or if an international
exhaustion regime, that allows parallel imports from any country can
reduce the cost of drugs and therefore contribute to access. The 17 WHA
resolutions give a mandate to the WHO to engage, promote and defend
mechanisms and policies in favour of access. Thus, it is important to
ensure that the Trilateral Cooperation with WTO and WIPO do not lead the
WHO to share a “neutral” vision, totally disengaged from its mandate of
protection of health. This would be contrary to the exemplary
leadership from the WHO on “The Revised Drug Strategy”, WHA 52.19 in
1999 or the “WHO Policy Perspectives on Medicines” published in 2001
that says: “National patent and related legislation should:<br>
• Promote standards of patentability that take health into account. (…)<br>
• Incorporate exceptions, trademark provisions, data exclusivity and other measures to support generic competition.<br>
• Permit compulsory licensing, parallel importation and other measures to promote availability and ensure fair competition.<br>
• Permit requests for extension of transitional period for TRIPS implementation, if needed and if eligible.<br>
• Carefully consider national public health interests before instituting TRIPS-plus provisions<br>
As expressed by the three NGOs that addressed the Executive Board in
January this year, on the issue of IP and public health, the Trilateral
Report is a weak and unambitious document in which the WHO does not
fully reflect the work it has done on these issues in accordance with
its mandate.<br>
The question that we as member states of the WHO, international
organisations with a clear vision regarding the priority of health such
as UNDP or UNAIDS, or UNICEF, non-profit NGO’s working on public health,
the academia and all the sectors concerned with the promotion of health
and access to medicines should ask is what is the relevance and status
of this report in the face of the 17 resolutions by the WHA giving a
clear mandate that is not reflected in this document.<br>
It would seem that we have overcome the debate that began in the early
2000’s about which one was first, the right to health or international
trade rules, but in this trilateral publication, the mandate of the WHO
to promote public health seems to have been subordinated to accommodate
IP and trade interests that WIPO and WTO promote.<br>
Therefore, the Trilateral Report is in the nature of a “Wikipedic”
report that describes what others have said on the issue, without any of
the three organisations saying what they think. The 251 page document
contains no recommendations, not even a conclusion, or any guidance. In
comparison, the 2006 WHO report on Public Health, Innovation and
Intellectual Property rights (CIPIH report), led by the former president
of Switzerland, Ruth Dreifuss, contained 60 recommendations.<br>
A Japanese saying goes: “what a man does not say is the salt of a
conversation”. We can say that this report…is an insipid report…<br>
Please send feedback or queries on the issues raised in this briefing to the EQUINET secretariat: <a href="mailto:admin@equinetafrica.org">admin@equinetafrica.org</a>. This oped was first featured in a 2013 mailing of the South Centre, Geneva<br>