<h2 style="padding:0px;font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;color:#4c7fb0"><a href="http://www.unscn.org/en/announcements/nutrition_informations_resources/?id=624" style="color:#4c7fb0" target="_blank">World Bank releases 2012 World Development Report: Gender Equality and Development</a></h2>
The lives of women around the world have improved dramatically, at a
pace and scope difficult to imagine even 25 years ago. Women have made
unprecedented gains in rights, education, health, and access to jobs and
livelihoods. More countries than ever guarantee equal rights in
property, marriage, and other domains. Gender gaps in primary schooling
have closed in many countries, while in a third of all countries girls
now outnumber boys in secondary school, and more young women than men
attend universities in 60 countries. <br>
Women are using their education to participate more in the labor force:
they now make up for 40 percent of the global labor force and 43 percent
of its farmers. Moreover, women now live longer than men in every
region of the world. <br>
Despite the progress, gaps remain in many areas. Women are more likely
to die-relative to males-in many low- and middle-income countries than
their counterparts in rich countries-especially in childhood and during
their reproductive years. Primary and secondary school enrollments for
girls remain much lower than for boys in many Sub-Saharan African
countries and some parts of South Asia, as well as among disadvantaged
populations. Women are more likely than men to work as unpaid family
laborers or in the informal sector, to farm smaller plots and grow less
profi table crops, operate in smaller firms and less profitable sectors,
and generally earn less. Women-especially poor women-have less say over
decisions and less control over household resources. And in most
countries, fewer women participate in formal politics than men and are
underrepresented in the upper echelons.<br>
The World Development Report 2012: Gender Equality and Development
argues that closing these persistent gender gaps matters. It matters
because gender equality is a core development objective in its own
right. But it is also smart economics. Greater gender equality can
enhance productivity, improve development outcomes for the next
generation, and make institutions more representative.<br>
Building on a growing body of knowledge on the economics of gender
equality and development, the Report identifies the areas where gender
gaps are most significant-both intrinsically and in terms of their
potential development payoff-and where growth alone cannot solve the
issues. It then sets forth four priorities for public action: <br>
-Reducing excess female mortality and closing education gaps where they remain <br>
-Improving access to economic opportunities for women <br>
-Increasing women's voice and agency in the household and in society <br>
-Limiting the reproduction of gender inequality across generations.