<br><p>All lower-income countries need new generations of leaders in public
health and in nutrition, with a new vision and energy. What about the
even younger generation, of students who are already committed, perhaps
passionately, to what they believe public health nutrition stands for,
and who are planning a career – maybe a lifetime – in our profession?
This column is addressed to them, in the form of a letter to a student.
<p>Dear candidate,</p>
<p>So you want to join our guild of public health nutritionists. Good! I
hope you will now allow me to give you a few words of advice, some of
warning, some of encouragement.</p><br>For the full blog, go to<br><br><a href="http://wp.me/plAxa-1qM">http://wp.me/plAxa-1qM</a> <br><br>Claudio<br>