<p>Writing job descriptions for staff is a necessary part of a well-managed human resource management system. However, often NGOs ignore to define the role of their staffs even after they join the organization for work. Maintaining job descriptions not only reflect the effectiveness of the organization’s human resource policy, they also lay out clarification for the staff and also mitigate any conflicts in the future. Below is some basic information about what job description is and how it can be developed in the most simple manner...[more]<br>
<a href="http://www.fundsforngos.org/free-resources-for-ngos/a-simple-format-for-ngos-to-write-job-descriptions-for-their-staff/">http://www.fundsforngos.org/free-resources-for-ngos/a-simple-format-for-ngos-to-write-job-descriptions-for-their-staff/</a></p>
<p>Other Free Resources for NGOs</p>
<p>How to write a Project Proposal <br>How to write a Concept Note <br>NGO Fundraising and Sustainability <br>Sample Admin Policies for NGOs <br> </p>