PHM-Exch> Health Action Intl Asia Pacific News Bulletin 1 June 2024

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Sat Jun 1 04:30:59 PDT 2024

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From: HAIAP HAIAsiaPacific <haiasiapacific at>
From: <Beverleyfsnell at>

We have come to the end of May - always a very significant month for HAIAP.

There are important anniversaries and always the World Health Assembly.
The battle continues for  equitable access to  affordable new medicines and

Here is our brief monthly Bulletin.
*HAIAP News Bulletin, 1 June 2024*

1. News from HAIAP

1.1 HAIAP 43rd Birthday May 29

1.2 Anwar's Aphorisms

1.3 Olle Hansson Day

1.4 Other important anniversaries

1.4.1 Vale Martin Khor

1.4.2 TWN 40th Birthday

1.5 AMR activities in Thailand

1.6 Reminder- HAIAP website

*2. Information sharing*

2.1 WHO: Rich countries refuse to share vaccines, medicines & diagnostics
for health emergencies

2.2 World Health Assembly - WHA 77

2.3 EPI 50 years

2.4 Barbara Mintzes: Drug companies pay Australian doctors over A$11
million a year for travel and education

See the complete Bulletin here

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