PHM-Exch> Fwd: Bulletin #75: Hunger and disease rampant in Palestine and Sudan as wars continue

Health PD health at
Mon May 6 01:21:57 PDT 2024

 This fortnight Health workers have been killed under torture, and hundreds
of bodies have been discovered buried by civil defense workers on hospital
grounds. With mental health services decimated and no water or food
available for thousands of displaced people, the health system in the Gaza
Strip continues to function despite these conditions persisting for over
half a year. As the Israeli Occupation Forces prepare for a ground
operation in Rafah, concerns are growing about the possibility of

Bulletin #75: Hunger and disease rampant in Palestine and Sudan as wars
By People's Health Dispatch • 6 May 2024 View in browser
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This fortnight

Health workers have been *killed under torture*
and *hundreds of bodies*
have been discovered buried by civil defense workers on hospital grounds.
With *mental health services*
decimated and no water or food available for thousands of displaced people,
the health system in the Gaza Strip continues to function despite these
conditions persisting for over half a year. As the Israeli Occupation
Forces prepare for a ground operation in Rafah, concerns are growing about
the possibility of maintaining what remains of the health system and
rebuilding it after a ceasefire.

The people of *Sudan *
marked a grim anniversary as the civil war has now extended beyond a year.
During this period, Sudan has become one of the world’s largest
displacement crises. The country also faces hunger, a water shortage, and
the spread of communicable diseases, such as dengue.

Infectious diseases previously thought to be under control in the Global
North, such as measles, are reemerging after decades of underfunding in
public health campaigns and vaccination drives. In the United States, a
measles outbreak in *Chicago *
led to racist interpretations of disease transmission, yet the underlying
issue remains the health system's inability to provide adequate care and
living conditions for everyone.

In the US, harmful policy changes continue in the field of reproductive and
sexual health rights. On May 1, *Florida *
enforcing a ban on abortions after six weeks - before most women even
realize they are pregnant.

Meanwhile, changes in some Latin American countries bring more hope. In
the government of Gustavo Petro has taken a significant step by
implementing a compulsory license for the HIV drug dolutegravir, making
this treatment accessible to thousands who previously could not afford it
due to high costs.

In *Brazil*
as debates about digital health intensify, activists are advocating for a
stronger role for the Unified Health System, which would enable the country
to provide higher-quality healthcare without depending on Big Tech.

Activists are also advocating for shifts in ongoing global health
discussions. A new round of negotiations on the *Pandemic Treaty*
began at the end of April. Although members of the World Health
Organization are finally discussing the text of a potential agreement,
analysts warn that this draft has been stripped of many provisions that
could address the disparities between the Global South and Global North.

Similarly, *Universal Health Coverage*
a central goal of the Sustainable Development Goals campaign, has largely
failed. Efforts toward UHC have not improved, and in some cases, have
worsened health access, suggesting that global health frameworks need a
fundamentally new approach, free of private sector interference.
In focus: Health in PalestineIsraeli forces tortured a surgeon to death,
the latest in Israel’s targeting of Gaza’s health workers

The killing of another surgeon in Israeli custody highlights the ongoing
targeting of health workers amid the war on Gaza
Gaza’s health workers and patients face unprecedented mental health crisis

MSF reports a severe mental health crisis among health workers and patients
in Gaza, caused by relentless Israeli attacks and destruction of healthcare
Mass graves discovered at Nasser Hospital as Israel prepares for Rafah
ground invasion

Over 300 bodies discovered in mass graves at Nasser Medical Complex, Khan
Younis, as Israeli authorities prepare for Rafah ground invasion
Data speaks

Source: Visualizing Palestine,
Featured articlesOne year of war in Sudan accompanied by dengue concerns

Public health concerns in war-torn Sudan continue to escalate with the
destruction of health infrastructure, widespread displacement and hunger
haunting the population
Countdown to consensus: will the Pandemic Treaty deliver global health

Negotiations surrounding the Pandemic Treaty continue as the deadline for
endorsing the new mechanism approaches. However, the version under
discussion fails to address critical issues pertaining to health equity
Universal Health Coverage: A failure of implementation or strategy?

Halfway to the 2030 deadline for Universal Health Coverage, the world is
severely off track. Nearly half of the global population lacks access to
essential health services, with one in four facing devastating healthcare
Measles in Chicago sparks misdirected blame against migrants

Amidst the measles outbreak, Chicago sees 31 cases within a migrant
shelter, sparking unjust blame towards immigrants. This scenario echoes
historical patterns where diseases like cholera and AIDS were wrongly
attributed to immigrants
Florida to ban abortion after six weeks

Florida’s move to ban abortions before most women know they are pregnant,
marks the latest in attacks against reproductive rights in the US
Colombia to make HIV treatment more accessible through compulsory licensing

The Colombian government recently issued a compulsory license for HIV drug
dolutegravir, making the treatment more accessible for thousands of people
Digital Health in Brazil: imperial threat or promise of sovereignty?

Experts agree that the benefits of telehealth programs are clear, but they
warn that without massive investment in public technologies, there is a
major risk of handing over health data to foreign corporations
In case you missed it
Why We Desperately Need Publicly Funded and Controlled Pharmaeutical
Production: An Interview With Tim Joye - Lefteast
In this interview, Tim Joye discusses the importance of shifting from
private pharmaceutical production to public ownership, emphasizing the need
to regain control over medicines’ development and production, while also
boosting the need for local production. Highlighting examples and
challenges, it underscores the necessity for public alternatives to address
pricing, shortages, and innovation in crucial […]
Lefteast •Tim Joye
Unions in India and Pakistan express concerns over health and care workers’
protection in Pandemic Treaty
The Intergovernmental Negotiation Body’s resumed 9th round of meetings
starts today in Geneva. PSI and affiliates from India and Pakistan write to
their governments to protect provisions that safeguard workers’ rights and
ensure decent work conditions.
Public Services International The global union federation of workers in
public services •Jyotsna Singh
The struggles for public health came to a head in Mar del Plata | People’s
Health Movement
How thirty years of privatisation in Australia has undermined health and
Introduction by Croakey: For decades, successive governments of all
political persuasions in Australia have pushed and promoted privatisation
agendas. Privatisation
Croakey Health Media •Melissa Sweet
PSI Africa calls for gov’ts to walk the talk on health funding commitments
under Abuja Declaration
PSI and the African Health Sector Unions’ Council have launched a two-year
campaign to pressure member states of the African Union to honour their
pledge of a 15% annual budgetary allocation to healthcare.
Public Services International The global union federation of workers in
public services •Comms
Safety and Health at Work for Platform Workers - Mašina English
No institution in Serbia keeps records of how many delivery workers are
injured at work.
Mašina English •Mašina
*People’s Health Dispatch is an initiative of Peoples Dispatch and the
People's Health Movement*
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