PHM-Exch> [PHM NEWS] PHM welcomes WHO action plans on infection prevention and control and on antimicrobial resistance

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Thu Jan 18 23:16:17 PST 2024

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Date: Fri, Jan 19, 2024 at 1:59 PM

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PHM welcomes WHO action plans on infection prevention and control and on
antimicrobial resistance

In two separate items on the agenda for the forthcoming WHO Executive Board
meeting (EB154) the WHO Secretariat provides situation analyses and reports
on action underway. See EB154/8
on infection prevention and control (IPC) and EB154/13
on antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The focus in both cases is on the health
systems response to these problems. The need for a wider intersectoral
response is also acknowledged.

The People’s Health Movement welcomes both reports but calls for more
attention to the commonalities across both areas and to the challenge of
integrating action on these challenges in the context of comprehensive
health system development.

PHM provides a close analysis of both agenda items, linked from PHM’s WHO

In summary the PHM commentary calls for:

   1. Well functioning healthcare information systems that are able to
   document and analyse infection and AMR patterns and trends;
   2. Well functioning disease surveillance programmes that include
   recognition of patterns of infection and antibiotic resistance adequate to
   guide providers;
   3. Quality assurance systems which include all requirements, for IPC and
   AMR, including WASH standards and the adoption and use of standard
   treatment protocols;
   4. Adequate microbiological capacity for the identification of
   infection, its source and resistance patterns; part of ensuring access to
   ensuring good quality, primary, secondary and tertiary care as distinct
   from purchasing minimalist packages of care from private providers;
   5. Adequate support staff required for ensuring WASH standards (water,
   sanitation, hygiene and waste disposal) and for the many IPC associated
   functions with proper terms of employment that would ensure performance;
   6. Adequate procurement of the consumables required, including personal
   protective equipment for ensuring good hygiene and other aspects of
   planning, prevention and protection;
   7. Adequate regulation of private clinical establishments so as to
   ensure that all of the above standards are assured in the private sector
   also; governments can achieve the above by administrative action but for
   the private sector, legal provisions are essential; these must also be
   built into all purchasing of care from the private sector;
   8. The creation of institutional capacity for national public health
   standards and quality assurance and improvement, including provisions which
   ensure all of the above actions as required for IPC but also include
   patient safety, AMR, effective clinical care, evidence-based public health
   planning, provider satisfaction, and patient satisfaction.

This package would definitely require more funds, but the funds would
result in better outcomes. Member states should see the achievement of IPC
as a subset of achieving good quality universal comprehensive healthcare
rather than as distinct from it.

The full in IPC is here
and on AMR is here
These provide a more detail and references.  See also Tracker links to
previous discussions of IPC
and AMR

The WHO Tracker and PHM item commentaries are produced as part of *WHO
Watch* which is a project of the People's Health Movement
in association with Medicus Mundi International
Third World Network
and a number of other civil society networks. WHO Watch contributes to
democratising global health governance, through new alliances, new
information flows and by broadening the policy discourse.

See the WHO Tracker page for this EB154 session (here
See PHM’s integrated commentary
on the full agenda of EB154 (or read the flipbook version
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[image: WHO Tracker]

[image: PHM Global]

[image: PHM Global]

[image: PHM]

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