PHM-Exch> Global Health Watch 6 launch event and PHM gathering at American Public Health Association meeting in Boston, Tuesday November 8

Sarah Shannon sarahs at
Thu Nov 3 21:47:09 PDT 2022

Hello PHM friends,
If you're attending the American Public Health Association meeting in
Boston next week, please join us for a Global Health Watch 6 launch and PHM
social gathering on *Tuesday November 8 from 3-4pm at the Hesperian Health
Guides booth at the Exhibit Hall, booth #152. * We look forward to seeing
you there!
Sarah Shannon
Executive Director

*Hesperian Health Guides*

*Knowledge for ActionAction for Health*
P: 510.845.1447 ext. 206| F: 510.845.9141

*Learn more about our resources
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