PHM-Exch> Fwd: TODAY: Civil Society briefing on draft TORs for WHO CS Commission

Jyotsna Singh jyotsna at
Sun Dec 12 23:02:14 PST 2021

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From: Ravi Ram <phm.esafrica at>
Date: Mon, Dec 13, 2021 at 10:00 AM
Subject: TODAY: Civil Society briefing on draft TORs for WHO CS Commission

Dear colleagues,



*Civil society briefing: Terms of Reference of proposed WHO Civil Society

*Monday, 13 December 2021, 3-4 PM UTC*Register here for the meeting. Zoom
registration page

On 25 November, a selected group of civil society organizations was invited
by the WHO Secretariat for a discussion on the terms of reference for a WHO
Civil Society Commission, based on a draft TOR shared by the Secretariat.
Following this informal meeting, civil society representatives were
encouraged to submit further feedback on the draft TOR until 31 December
2021 and, for doing so, to consult their respective networks in view of
providing a combined feedback.

On this ground, we invite you as members of the informal “Civil society
interest group for a WHO Civil Society Commission” and others in civil
society interested in the matter to join us for a one-hour briefing and
discussion, as follows:

1.      Briefing for newcomers: The proposal of a WHO civil society
          and Q&A/clarifications (10 Min)

2.      Draft Terms of Reference: An initial assessment (10 Min)

3.      Outline: Proposal for an alternative TOR (10 Min)

4.      Open discussion: draft Terms of Reference and related processes
(25+ Min)

5.    Conclusions and next steps (5 Min)

To make the most of this one-hour briefing, you may review the documents
shared on the links below.

(And please share with your team.)

Best regards,
Ravi Ram and Thomas Schwarz, for the team


*References, for your preparation*

Overview presentation: Proposed WHO Civil Society Commission

Draft Terms of Reference of the Commission

Working document: Integrated feedback on draft ToR drafted by two members
of the interest group, and open for review (by 15 December) and endorsement

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