PHM-Exch> FreeShathaOdeh - JOIN the photo action!

Jasper Thys jasper.thys at
Wed Dec 1 02:02:00 PST 2021

Dear PHM friends

You might be aware that People's Health Movement is organizing a global 
day of action for the release of Shatha Odeh, the director of the 
Palestinian organization HWC who has been imprisoned for many months 
now. In the run up to Human Rights Day, on 10 Dec 2021, we are 
collecting photos and request you to *please send your photo with a sign 
saying "Free Shatha Odeh" to the email id <freeshathaodeh at 
<mailto:freeshathaodeh at>>**by* *2nd December* to show your 

All you need to do is to:

1. Send your photo with a sign saying Free Shatha Odeh to 
freeshathaodeh at <mailto:freeshathaodeh at>by 2 December. 
Medical professionals are encouraged to wear white lab coats for the 

2. Sign the petition  asking the Director General of the WHO Dr. Tedros 
Adhanom Ghebreyesus to intervene for her release: 

It would be great if you could share the call with your network and 
participate in the video that they plan on producing.

Thank you!

Best regards


Jasper Thys
Beleid | Politique

T. +32 2 209 23 65

A. Haachtsesteenweg 53 - 1210 Brussel

E. jasper.thys at

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