PHM-Exch> Code Anniversary of Protecting Breastfeeding Message from WABA

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Thu May 20 22:05:50 PDT 2021

From: Pei Ching Chuah <peiching.chuah at>


*40th Anniversary of the Code - Protecting Breastfeeding Against Aggressive
BMS Marketing*

The current global scenario with slow progress in improving breastfeeding
rates, a growing breastmilk substitutes (BMS) industry and ongoing
emergencies is a real concern. BMS companies have continuously failed to
the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes and relevant
World Health Assembly (WHA) resolutions
Code), which contributes to poor nutrition and, in many cases, preventable
deaths in infants and young children. More than 800,000 lives are lost
year due to suboptimal breastfeeding, mostly because of severe diarrhea,
lung infections in infants, and breast cancer in mothers. Breastfeeding is
one of the best investments for saving infant lives and improving the
health, social and economic development of individuals and nations.

An enabling environment for breastfeeding requires an essential package of
interventions: maternity/parental protection, training of health
professionals and community workers, the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative
(BFHI), access to breastfeeding counselling as well as implementation and
monitoring of the Code.

*This year marks the 40th anniversary of the adoption of the Code by the
34th World Health Assembly.*

The Code is an important tool to achieve optimal health and nutrition by
protecting breastfeeding and by ensuring the proper use of breast-milk
substitutes (BMS) by restricting promotions that target the general public,
mothers and health workers. To date, of the 136 countries having legal
measures on the Code in place, only 79 have an overall prohibition on the
use of health facilities for promotion and only 30 have measures that call
for a full prohibition of all gifts or incentives for health workers.
Although there has been some progress in a number of countries, in many,
the Code is poorly monitored and enforced

Over the years, WABA has highlighted the importance of the Code and its
implementation during World Breastfeeding Week
.  #WBW2021
on how breastfeeding contributes to the survival, health and wellbeing of
all, and the imperative to protect and support breastfeeding worldwide.

On this 40th anniversary of the Code, WABA urges every country to improve
implementation, monitoring and enforcement of the Code. It is vital to
ensure that the Code is fully implemented and monitored to curb the
aggressive marketing of breastmilk substitutes which creates a major
barrier to breastfeeding in all  countries. We all have a role to play in
protecting breastfeeding, let’s work together to speed up Code
implementation around the world.

Register to attend the 40th anniversary of the Code virtual celebration.
We’ll reflect on our successes to make the next 40 years even stronger.

#BMSCodeAt40  #BabiesBeforeProfits #BMSCode

#WBW2021 #WABA #ProtectBreastfeeding #SharedResponsibility #breastfeeding
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