PHM-Exch> [WEBINAR] May 20 (12h30 CEST) - Peoples’ Resistance Against Shrinking Space in the time of COVID-19 @ AEPF 13

Jasper Thys jasper.thys at
Wed May 12 05:31:48 PDT 2021


IBON International Europe, Council for People’s Development and 
Governance (CPDG), Viva Salud, People’s Coalition on Food Sovereignty 
(PCFS) and Asia-Pacific Research Network (APRN) cordially invite you to 
the webinar *Peoples’ Resistance Against Shrinking Space and the 
COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and Europe*on 20 May 2021 (12:30 CEST/18:30 

The webinar will be part of the 13th Asia-Europe People's Forum (AEPF) 
and will bring together analysis from Europe and Asia on the 
weaponization of the pandemic against the people. it will highlight good 
practices of sectors, CSOs and other organizations in pushing back 
shrinking space, human rights violations and political repression and 
will discuss the use and effectiveness of international human rights 
instruments and mechanisms. Participants will then identify challenges 
to forge greater solidarity and present recommendations to European and 
Asian parliamentarians on opening up spaces and strengthening support 
for campaigns and advocacy engagements on people's rights.

Please find the register via this link to receive the webinar link: 
_ More info via this link 

Best regards


Jasper Thys
Beleid | Politique

T. +32 2 209 23 65

A. Haachtsesteenweg 53 - 1210 Brussel

E. jasper.thys at

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