PHM-Exch> Webinar "Vaccine apartheid in Palestine and the world"

Jasper Thys jasper.thys at
Thu Mar 25 07:57:19 PST 2021

Dear PHM friends

I would like to welcome all of you to a webinar we are setting up with 
Viva Salud to kick off our campaign for universal access to Covid-19 
vaccines and technologies. During the *webinar "Vaccine apartheid in 
Palestine and the world"* we will explore the obstacles that are in the 
way of universal access to Covid-19 vaccines and technologies, focus 
specifically on how Israel is denying access for the Palestinians living 
under its control and discuss what action citizens can take to change 
this appalling situation. During our webinar, we will talk to *Ubai 
Aboudi* of our Palestinian partner Bisan Center For Research and 
Development and *Julie Steendam*, the coordinator of the European 
Citizens' Initiative No Profit On Pandemic.

When? Wednesday March 31, 19h30 CET
Languages? English (Translation to Dutch and French)
More info about the webinar? _
_More info about the campaign? 

Have a nice day

Jasper Thys
Beleid | Politique

T. +32 2 209 23 65

A. Haachtsesteenweg 53 - 1210 Brussel

E. jasper.thys at

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