PHM-Exch> Proposed TRIPS waiver and the scaling up of production and technology transfer of vaccines and other health products in the pandemic context

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Wed Nov 4 01:38:56 PST 2020

From: <dlegge at>

Please give the below web briefing urgent maximum attention among PHM
country circles, affiliates, thematic circles etc.

   - The proposed waiver would make it easier for countries to enable
   domestic manufacturers to scale up local production of diagnostics,
   medicines and vaccines without threat of sanctions under TRIPS.
   - There is a real chance of getting the 75% country support required to
   adopt the proposed waiver.
   - We urgently need PHM country circles to engage with their ministries
   of trade, foreign affairs and health to explain why they should support the
   waiver when it comes back to the TRIPS council.
   - A brief introduction to the waiver is here
   but the presentations at the forthcoming webriefing will greatly clarify
   things for country circles.

Please urgently promote participation.

*PHM Web Briefing: Proposed TRIPS waiver and the scaling up of production
of vaccines and other health products in the pandemic context*

*Zoom, Friday 6 November, from 1100 UCT*

The Covid pandemic continues, out of control in many countries. There are
several vaccine candidates that may be approved by WHO in the next few
months. However, huge advanced purchases by the US, UK, Europe and some
other wealthy countries, could mean that the availability of vaccines for
low and middle income countries is delayed for several years.

In May 2020 WHO proposed a Covid – Technology Access Pool (C-TAP) designed
to share knowledge to rapidly scale up vaccine production but the vaccine
companies refused to participate.

In October 2020, at the WTO’s TRIPS Council, India and South Africa
proposed that the WTO waive the application of certain provisions of the
TRIPS Agreement for the duration of the pandemic with a view to
facilitating wider access to technologies necessary for the production of
vaccines and medicines. The rapid scaling up of local production will be
critical in order to ensure wide access to affordable and effective

The waiver proposal was blocked at the TRIPS Council meeting but will
return within weeks. If the waiver is to be adopted strong clear advocacy
is needed now, particularly directed to those governments who were
uncertain or apprehensive about supporting the proposal in the TRIPS

PHM, in association with TWN, MSF and Section 27, has organised a briefing
about the waiver proposal and other issues relevant to a scaling of local
production and the necessary technology sharing.

*Key presenters:*

   - *Sangeeta Shashikant, TWN*
   - *Yuanqiong HU, MSF*


   - *Umunyana Rugege, Section 27*


   - *David Legge, PHM*

*Friday 6 November*

*From 1100 UCT       (check local times at

*Click here
to join*

*Further reading at:
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