PHM-Exch> Call to join 'Patents Kill Campaign'

Gargeya Telakapalli gargeya.t at
Tue Sep 22 04:17:50 PDT 2020

Dear Friends and Supporters

The Covid 19 pandemic shows the whole world that health policy is a global
task that must be carried out by governments with a sense of responsibility
and must be guided by a human rights principle and nothing else!

We are far from that. Even those governments that promise to defend health
against profit interests refuse to consider and do away with one of the
biggest global obstacles to the supply of life-saving drugs to people: The
global patent system, in which the production of medical knowledge is
geared towards maximizing profits and returns on investment rather than
research and development of life-saving drugs and their equitable
distribution. The consequences of this global injustice are currently being
experienced in the Covid 19 pandemic and yet the problem extends far beyond
the pandemic.

The WHO estimates that one third of all patients worldwide do not have
access to urgently needed drugs due to high prices and other structural
obstacles! Now, while we are still in the midst of the pandemic, the
momentum is there to push this fundamental policy change through. For this
we ask for your support to the *Patents Kill campaign*
<> which is a civil society
initiative calling on our governments to implement policies that address
people's health needs, treat medicines as global public goods and limit the
power of pharmaceutical companies in the public interest.

We would be very pleased if you, as an organization or representative* in
your organization, would support the call as a signatory by signing onto
the call at the link here-

The 'Patents Kill Campaign' is an initiative by BUKO Pharma-Campaign,
Medico International (Germany), Outras Palavras (Brazil), People’s Health
Movement and Society for International Development.

On behalf of PHM secretariat
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