PHM-Exch> New Issue of MEDICC Review Now Online

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Fri May 29 17:49:14 PDT 2020

COVID-19 in Cuba and the Americas:

Policy, Science & The Frontline Fight


Women head the roster of interviews with top leaders in Latin America and the Caribbean, still the world’s most unequal region. They and colleagues in the following pages address COVID-19´s economics, politics, multisector actions, public health strategies, clinical care, and new drugs and vaccine research. The expertise and experience assembled here attest to the Global South’s vital role in overcoming the pandemic—not only asking the right questions, but also finding the right answers.


In this issue:
   - Exclusive: Alicia Bárcena, ECLAC Executive Secretary: Our economic order must change   

   - Cuban Biotechnology vs. COVID-19: Drug and Vaccine Research    

   - Primary Health Care: Unsung Hero in COVID-19 Control   

   - A US Cuban-Trained Doc on the Front Lines in New York City   

   - Human Responsibility for Zoonoses   

   - COVID-19 Protocols, Patients and Testing in Cuba   

   - CNS Involvement Linked to Respiratory Distress in Severe COVID-19?   

   - Cuba’s Emergency Medical Contingent Heads to 20+ Countries   

   - Misinformation: Confronting the World’s Dangerous Infodemic    

   - Redefining Global Scientific Collaboration, COVID-19 and Beyond    

And more...see full list below.


Table of Contents April 2020 (Vol 22, No 2)


COVID-19 in the Americas: We Are in This Together


We are calling for adoption of universal, redistributive and solidarity-based policies with a rights-oriented approach to leave no one behind.
Alicia Bárcena MPA
Executive Secretary, UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the
Caribbean (ECLAC)
Gail Reed MS

We are living in the geologic age when human activities have dramatically affected our planet and its environment.
Michele Barry MD FACP
Founder, WomenLift Health; Senior Associate Dean and Director, Center for
Innovation in Global Health, Stanford University
Gail Reed MS

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Paradigm Change in Global Scientific Research
Mariana Cárdenas-González MS PhD and Elena R. Álvarez-Buylla MS PhD
Director of National and International Engagement, National Council of
Science and Technology (CONACYT)
Director-General, National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT)

In this kind of situation, health as a public good once again becomes paramount…
Jeanette Vega MD PhD
Member, Global Preparedness Monitoring Board; Chief Medical and
Innovation Officer, Red de Salud UC-Christus, Chile
Gail Reed MS

“Universal” doesn’t just apply to health care, but to every sector’s actions taken to protect the population’s health.
Pastor Castell-Florit Serrate MD PhD DSc
Director, National School of Public Health, Cuba; President, National Council of Scientific Societies in Health
Jorge Bacallao-Gallestey PhD DSc

Are we witnessing the swan song of neoliberalism?
José R. Acosta MD MS PhD
Member, Cuban National Bioethics Committee and UNESCO International
Committee on Bioethics
Alina Alerm-González MD MS

Much more visible now are the inequalities that have always existed in our system and much clearer the need for stronger state intervention.
Armando De Negri Filho MD PhD
Collaborating Researcher, UN Research Institute for Social Development;
Executive Committee, World Social Forum on Health and Social Security,
Caitlin Baird PhD


Bringing Cuban Biotech Research to Bear on COVID-19: All Hands and Minds on Deck
Lila Castellanos-Serra PhD DSc

Severe COVID-19 Cases: Is Respiratory Distress Partially Explained by Central Nervous System Involvement?
Calixto Machado-Curbelo MD PhD DSc FAAN

Cuba’s Pedro Kourí Tropical Medicine Institute: Battling COVID-19 One Study, One Test, One Patient at a Time
Gisele Coutin MD MS, Jorge Bacallao-Gallestey PhD DSc, Lila Castellanos-Serra PhD DSc

Curbing Misinformation and Disinformation in the COVID-19 Era: A View from Cuba
Patricia Alonso-Galbán MD MS and Claudia Alemañy-Castilla


Stemming COVID-19 in Cuba: Strengths, Strategies, Challenges
Francisco Durán MD, National Director of Epidemiology, Ministry of Public Health, Cuba
Gail Reed MS

Cuba’s COVID-19 Strategy: Main Actions through April 23, 2020

Mobilizing Primary Health Care: Cuba’s Powerful Weapon against COVID-19
Tania L. Aguilar-Guerra MD MS and Gail Reed MS

COVID-19 Case Detection: Cuba’s Active Screening Approach
Conner Gorry MA

Global Collaboration in Times of COVID-19: Cuba’s Emergency Medical Contingent
Conner Gorry MA

US Physicians Trained in Cuba Battle COVID-19 at Home: A Personal Account from the New York City Epicenter
Gail Reed MS



Cuban Research in Current International Journals

Use of Interferon for Viral Infections: Research & Articles

MEDICC Review is a unique open-access platform for Latin American and Caribbean praxis addressing today’s critical interactions between human health, development of sustainable societies, and the health of our planet. Drawing upon the contributions of the region in social medicine, social movements, rich diversity and scientific prowess, Latin America and Caribbean authors published in the journal can help fill gaps in thinking and evidence sorely needed to build a sustainable future and a hopeful legacy for future generations. We look forward to contributing to increased visibility for their work and to its positive impact on both regional integration and worldwide solutions. MEDICC Review is published by MEDICC, a US nonprofit organization founded in 1997, based in Oakland, California, USA, and dedicated to US, Cuban and global health cooperation and equity. MEDICC Review online (ISSN 1527-3172) is an open-access publication: see our Creative Commons License online for details.  
Copyright © 2020, MEDICC Review

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