PHM-Exch> Webinar on May 08 by People's Health Movement and Tricontinental Research Institute (India)

Richa Chintan richa at
Tue May 5 10:21:56 PDT 2020

Dear Comrades,

Over the years, international organisations such as the WHO, have been
systematically weakened. With the neoliberal paradigm spreading its
tentacles far and wide, the independence and integrity of WHO as a global
health authority has been seriously compromised with. This deliberate
weakening has been further exposed with the latest attack on WHO by the
Trump administration in the form of halting the crucial funding to deal
with the global pandemic COVID-19.

In order to discuss the implications of ongoing neoliberal onslaught on
democratic institutions, *People's Health Movement and Tricontinental
Research Institute (India)* invite you to a Webinar on:

*"The COVID pandemic and the World Health Organisation: need for reflection
and global solidarity" *

*Date-*  May 8
*Time-*  20:30 IST/ 17:00 CET/ 11:00 Eastern Time

Mirza Alas- Global Health Analyst
Andrew Harmer- Queen Mary University of London
Mary T Bassett- Harvard School of Public Health

*Chair:* Hani Serang (PHM)

Register here to attend

Interpretation available in French, Spanish, English and Hindi

Do join us!

Team People's Health Movement and Tricontinental Research Institute (India)
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