PHM-Exch> NGOs join forces to support WHO following US threats to withdraw funding

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Sun Apr 12 06:59:15 PDT 2020

From: Patti Rundall <prundall at>

IBFAN statement of support to WHO 11th April 2020

*NGOs join forces in support of WHO following US threats to withdraw

*IBFAN Statement of support for WHO -  April 11 2020*

The International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN) and partner civil
society organisations are joining forces
support the World Health Organisation in the face of  attacks on its
Director General, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. Some of the attacks
seem to be politically motivated and orchestrated by US right-wing media
and politicians. They have been fuelled by President Trump’s thinly veiled
threats to renege on the US Government’s already (and frequently) overdue

For a member State to threaten to withdraw its funding for political
reasons at any time – but especially now during the COVID-19 crisis – is
dangerous and contravenes the duties all member States assume. The WHO
enshrines the right to health for all and demands that members *“respect
the exclusively international character of the Director-General and the
staff and not to seek to influence them.” *It also stipulates that each
country has just one vote. This is regardless of the size of its financial
contribution, and is indexed to the size of its Gross National Product.
It’s not one dollar one vote.

IBFAN has witnessed US interference of WHO processes and the ‘Health for
All’ agenda on countless occasions since the adoption in 1981 of the
Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes* – the first global consumer
protection tool designed to tackle marketing that damages the health of
babies.  The US was the only country to vote against t
Code’s adoption and in the following years has invariably undermined
efforts to strengthen it, at the same time pushing WHO towards more
industry friendly policies.  In 2018, there was shock and widespread media
the US administration put pressure on Ecuador to drop its support for a
draft Resolution that aimed to protect breastfeeding and child health.

IBFAN is a leader in calls for WHO to adopt a sound conflict of interest
policy to safeguard its independence and resist the unjustified influence
of powerful interests, be they commercial or  political. WHO’s total annual
budget of $2.5bn – roughly equivalent to the budget of a large US hospital
– has not significantly increased
three decades*. *That is a disgrace. The assessed contributions of member
States must be substantially increased if WHO is to carry out its
constitutional mandate.

WHO has a unique role as the world’s coordinating authority in setting
global health norms. We need it now more than ever to guide country
responses to COVID-19 (6) and the host of other global threats that we face
– not least global heating, new viruses, anti-microbial resistance and
non-communicable diseases.
 full background notes in online version

[1]  WHO’s Director General from 1973-1988, Halfdan Mahler, masterminded
the adoption of the Code in 1981 in response to the evidence that 1.5
million babies were dying every year because they are not
breastfed.However, the original proposal for an international code came out
of the US Senate Hearings organized by Senator Edward Kennedy.    The issue
kick-started a social movement and the world’s longest running consumer
of the world’s largest food company, Nestlé. A boycott that continues today.
[2] WHO and UNICEF have issued advice
breastfeeding and COVID-19 that is critically important to protect babies
from harmful practices and commercial exploitation
In many countries mothers are separated from their babies after birth, with
as yet no evidence that the virus is transmitted through breastmilk.

For more information about IBFAN
and Baby Milk Action's work and other news check out our Policy Blog
COVID-19 WHO stresses the importance of breastfeeding
we will post new information about COVID-19 on this link as it becomes
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