PHM-Exch> Fwd: WHO to consider a new Operational Framework for Primary Health Care

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Sun Jan 26 01:28:16 PST 2020

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From: Editor <editor at>
Date: Sun, Jan 26, 2020 at 11:56 AM
Subject: WHO to consider a new Operational Framework for Primary Health Care
To: <cschuftan at>

And a Special Program on PHC if the Operational Framework is endorsed!

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WHO Executive Board to consider new 'Operational Framework for Primary
Health Care' Special Program on PHC proposed if member states support
operational framework

The February 2020 meeting of WHO's Executive Board (EB) will discuss a
proposed new Operational Framework on Primary Health Care (in EB146/5
through which the commitments of the Astana Conference on PHC will be
progressed. The Operational Framework includes four core strategic levers
and ten operational levers.

Core strategic levers include: political commitment and leadership,
governance and policy frameworks, funding and allocation of resources, and
engagement of communities and other stakeholders.

The ten operational levers include: models of care, the PHC workforce,
physical infrastructure, medicines and other health products, engagement
with private-sector providers, purchasing and payment systems, digital
technologies, systems for improving quality of care, PHC oriented research,
and monitoring and evaluation.

In association with the draft operational framework, the WHO Secretariat
has elaborated a new definition of PHC (developed by WHO and UNICEF in
advance of the Astana Conference). As described in EB144/12

"Primary health care is a whole-of-society approach to health that aims to
ensure the highest possible level of health and well-being and equitable
distribution through action on three levels:

   - meeting people’s health needs through comprehensive and integrated
   health services (promotive, protective, preventive, curative,
   rehabilitative and palliative) throughout the life course, prioritizing
   primary care and essential public health functions;
   - systematically addressing the broader determinants of health
   (including social, economic and environmental factors, as well as
   individual characteristics and behaviour) through evidence-informed
   policies and actions across all sectors;
   - empowering individuals, families and communities to optimize their
   health as advocates for policies that promote and protect health and
   well-being, as co-developers of health and social services and as
   self-carers and caregivers."

PHM has welcomed the new definition which captures some of the core ideas
of the Alma-Ata Declaration (although the reference to a New International
Economic Order has been expunged).

PHM also welcomes the proposed Operational Framework, while pointing out
(see PHM comment
several omissions and problematic formulations.

Under a separate item on the EB agenda (Item 7.1 on UHC) the Secretariat
foreshadows the establishment of a Special Program on PHC, conditional on
the endorsement of the Operational Framework, by the member states (at the
Board and the Assembly in May).

"WHO’s special programme on primary health care is being created as a
one-stop mechanism for providing implementation support to Member States.
It will put into action the operational framework for primary health care,
once it is approved, which outlines 14 levers around which countries and
partners may want to prioritize their investments and customize their
actions to accelerate progress across all three components of primary
health care: (a) multisectoral policy and action; (b) empowering people and
communities; and (c) putting primary care and essential public health
functions at the core of integrated health services." (From para 14 of

For further links and more detailed comment on the PHC item on the WHO
Executive Board agenda see the PHM comment
on Item 6.

The full agenda for the EB can be accessed through the WHO Tracker at
including PHM comments on most items.

To provide feedback on this commentary please write to editor at
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which is a project of the People's Health Movement
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alerts regarding items at EB146 here
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