PHM-Exch> Tributes to David Sandres
Claudio Schuftan
cschuftan at
Wed Sep 4 15:50:35 PDT 2019
*Tribute to David Sanders: An African giant has gone*
Death has torn from the loves of his family, the people?s health and
anti-globalization movement, a baobab creating as results a big emptiness.
Tribute to a unique and irreplaceable African who dedicated his life to
helping others.
We are speechless to express our gratitude to this faithful friend, this
guide that made us hope and believe in people?s health, and who has always
been present and committed by our side until his last breath.
We can individually and collectively be proud of one of our intrepid
companions. His struggles, David led them with a characteristic firm
conviction and openness. He was one of the pioneers of the struggle for
health and human dignity in Africa, an activist like all of us are dying to
be one day. A real giant of Africa!
If David Sanders did not receive a Nobel Peace Prize, it may be that the
world is not yet grateful enough to one of its ??artisans??. But the health
movement will still remember that in South Africa, there was not only
Mandela or Desmond Tutu, there also was... David Sanders!
*The Struggle for Health: Medicine and the politics of underdevelopment*, *a
book of influence*
David Sanders is an influential actor of the public health movement. His
book *The Struggle for Health: Medicine and the Politics of
Underdevelopment *co-authored with Richard Carver in 1985 (Macmillan: UK)
has influenced academics and civil society in the past three decades,
including resistance to neoliberalism in health.
In this book, the founder and former director of the School of Public
Health at the University of Western Cape first demonstrated that the
in illness and premature mortality in UK has resulted from improved living
standards and hygiene and only to a very limited extent from specific
preventive measures and curative services. He went on to say that
transplantation into low and middle income countries of the western health
system is part of the broader process of expanding the capitalist system,
adding that Western health systems are more concerned with the medical
profession and the commercial interests rather than peoples well-being.
According to him, far from improving health, these transplantations
maintain the system that perpetuates poor development and health problems.
Finally, he appealed to expatriate health workers to make available to
their home country what they have learned so that primary health care will
become the basis of health care systems and there will be more democracy
and transparency in the management of health.
One of the most beautiful tributes to the famous disappeared would be to
read (or reread), understand and adopt this book of influence that fueled
the anti-neoliberal protest in Africa and around the world.
Pacome Tometissi,
PHM West & Central Africa
[Francais:*La mort ? arrach? ? l?affection de sa famille, du mouvement
populaire pour la Sant? et de la contestation antimondialisation, un baobab
cr?ant ainsi
un immense vide. Hommage ? un Africain unique et irrempla?able qui a d?di?
sa vie ? aider les autres.*
Comment trouver les mots pour exprimer notre gratitude ? cet ami fid?le, ce
guide qui nous a fait esp?rer et croire en la sant? des peuples, et qui
?tait toujours pr?sent et engag? ? nos cot?s jusqu?? son dernier souffle?
Nous pouvons individuellement et collectivement ?tre fiers de l?un de nos
intr?pides compagnons. Ses luttes, *David* les a men?es avec une conviction
ferme et un esprit d?ouverture caract?ristiques. Il *fut un des pionniers
de la lutte pour la sant? et de la dignit? humaine en Afrique, un activiste
comme nous tous mourrons d?envie de l??tre un jour. Un vrai g?ant
Entre autres choses, on retiendra que David fut une vraie b?te de sc?ne et
faisait salle comble lors de ses conf?rences annuelles ? l?Universit? du
Cap Ouest. Si David Sanders n?a pas re?u de Nobel de la paix, c?est
peut-?tre que le monde n?est pas encore assez reconnaissant envers l?un de
ses artisans. Mais le mouvement de sant? publique retiendra quand m?me
qu?en Afrique du Sud, il n?y avait pas que Mandela ou Desmond Tutu, il
avait aussi un certain?David Sanders !
*La Lutte pour la Sant?: la M?decine et les Politiques du
Sous-d?veloppement, un ouvrage d?influence*
David Sanders est un homme d?influence dans le mouvement de contestation du
secteur de la sant? publique. Son ouvrage *La lutte pour la sant?: la
m?decine et la politique du sous-d?veloppement* cosign? avec Richard Carver
en 1985 chez Macmillan au Royaumes Unis a influenc? aussi bien les milieux
universitaires que la soci?t? civile de ces trois derni?res d?cennies
notamment la r?sistance contre le n?olib?ralisme dans la sant?.
Dans cet ouvrage, le fondateur et ancien directeur de l?Ecole de Sant?
publique de l?Universit? du Cap Ouest ? d?abord d?montr? que la r?duction
sensible de la mortalit? et de la morbidit? en Grande Bretagne r?sultait
beaucoup moins des services de pr?vention et de soins que de l?am?lioration
des conditions de vie et d?hygi?ne pour la plupart. Il a ensuite indiqu?
que la transplantation dans les pays ? revenus faible et interm?diaire du
syst?me de sant? occidental fait partie du processus plus g?n?ral de
l'extension du syst?me capitaliste ajoutant que les syst?mes de sant?
occidentaux sont plus pr?occup?s par la profession m?dicale et les int?r?ts
commerciaux que par le bien-?tre des populations. Selon lui, loin de
contribuer ? la sant?, ils aident ?, de nombreuses fa?ons, maintenir le
syst?me qui perp?tue le mal d?veloppement et les probl?mes de sant?. Pour
finir, il a lanc? un appel aux agents de sant? de la diaspora afin qu?ils
mettent ? la disposition de leurs pays d?origine ce qu?ils auront appris
afin que non seulement les soins de sant? primaires deviennent la base des
syst?mes de sant? mais aussi qu?il y ait plus de d?mocratie et de
transparence dans la gestion de la sant?.
Un des plus beaux hommages ? l?illustre disparu serait de lire (ou relire),
comprendre et adopter cet ouvrage d?influence qui a aliment? la
contestation anti-n?olib?ral en Afrique et partout dans le monde.
Pacome Tometissi]
I was shocked to hear the sad news of demise of Dr. David Sanders. He was a
believer of Health For All and a challenger for social justice.
With deep griefs and sorrow I condole his family, and colleagues in PHM,
and wish his soul rest in Peace. With sympathy and solidarity. Dr. Mohammad
Ali Barzegar.
Sorry to hear about the demise of David Sanders.
In solidarity,
Reza Haque
(With GK since 1973)
Sad news indeed! Accept condolences of PHM Sri Lanka. It?s an
irreplaceable loss to PHM future activities.
Sirimal Peiris
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