PHM-Exch> Call for abstracts: World PH Nutrition Association Conference, March 2020

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Fri Jun 28 00:22:04 PDT 2019



We invite abstract submissions for oral presentations, table top, rapid
fire, workshops, storytelling, conversation starters and posters at the *World
Public Health Nutrition Congress 2020*, convened by the World Public Health
Nutrition Association (WPHNA) in partnership with the Public Health
Association of Australia (PHAA). The Congress will be held in Brisbane from
Tuesday 31 March to Thursday 2 April 2020.


The 2020 Congress theme is *‘Knowledge, Policy, Action in the Decade of
Nutrition 2016-2025’ - What is working or not? Where are the gaps? What
needs more effort or change? *

Today, nearly one in three persons globally suffers from under-nutrition,
micronutrient deficiency, overweight and/ or obesity – and diet-related
non-communicable diseases (NCDs) affect a large part of the world’s
population. These different forms of malnutrition co-exist – within the
same country, community, household or individual. The causal factors are
complex and multidimensional and the impacts of sub-optimal nutrition on
development, society, health and well-being are serious and lasting, for
individuals and their families, for communities and for countries.

Global food production is the largest pressure caused by humans on Earth,
threatening local ecosystems and the stability of the Earth system. Current
dietary trends, combined with projected population growth to about 10
billion by 2050, will exacerbate risks to people and planet. The global
burden of NCDs is predicted to worsen and the effects of food production on
greenhouse-gas emissions, nitrogen and phosphorus pollution, biodiversity
loss, and water and land use will reduce the stability of the Earth system.
Unhealthy and unsustainably produced food poses a global risk to people and
the planet.

There are many calls for action to address these issues at every level. At
the mid-point of the UN Decade of Nutrition 2016-2025, this conference
provides an opportunity to pause and reflect on how we are progressing in
our efforts to addressing public health nutrition issues across the world,
to discuss our successes and failures and to consider where to next. With
these and many other issues to consider, we invite you to contribute to the
World Public Health Nutrition Congress 2020.

Abstract submission closes on Sunday 21 July 2019, at 11:59pm AEST

#WPHNCongress2020 |


We welcome submission of abstracts for presentations relevant to the
Congress themes.

Priority will be given to presentations that offer critical or reflective
comment related to the theme questions, demonstrate a link with the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) and the public health nutrition
ramifications over purely program or descriptive papers.

All abstracts are to be submitted electronically using the online facility
and abstract submission form on the World Public Health Nutrition Congress
2020 website. You will be also asked for a 150 word bio for each presenter
and a conflict of interest statement related to all authors.

You may either complete the form then submit directly online (preferred) or
download and submit by email.

It is the submitting author’s responsibility to ensure that the abstract
uploaded to the server is the correct version.

Abstracts submitted for presentation will be published exactly as received
and should be checked for spelling and grammar prior to submission. Do not
submit a version with ‘track changes’ active.

*All presenters must register at the time of confirming their acceptance
presentation offer and pay the conference registration fee. *


The four day program is designed to provide lively and productive
discussions and contributions from people engaged in public health
nutrition and associated fields. We invite you to submit abstracts related
to research, policy or practice under the following themes:

1.      Sustainable, resilient food systems for healthy diets;

2.      Aligned health systems providing universal coverage of essential
nutrition actions;

3.      Social protection, food and nutrition security, and nutrition

4.      Trade and investment for improved nutrition;

5.      Safe and supportive environments for nutrition at all ages;

6.      Strengthened governance and accountability for nutrition, and

7.      Capacity development for public health nutrition action.

Further explanation of themes is available here. Cross-cutting streams will
focus on government and policy leadership, capacity development for public
health nutrition students/early career, indigenous issues and advocacy.


Presentations that relate to First Nations Peoples’ food systems, nutrition
and health are encouraged.

Presenters focusing on particular First Nations communities are to provide
with their abstract an additional paragraph outlining whether the relevant
community/ies have provided permission to publicise the work.


All potential speakers will be required to disclose any potential
conflicting or competing interest of themselves or co-authors when
submitting an abstract to the Congress and also when presenting.

Competing interests will not necessarily exclude speakers, but the Congress
WPHNA will not accept potential speakers who have strong ties or alliances
with any organisation conceived, founded, funded, led, controlled or
organised by corporations or companies whose products, practices or
policies conflict with public health goals. These organisations include but
are not limited to :

.                 Any food, drink, arms, tobacco or pharmaceutical industry
corporation or any representative or associated organisation.

.                 Any non-profit and charitable organisation whose
governing body has more than 25 per cent of its members employed by or
associated with any corporation or organisation as indicated above.

Potential conflicting or competing interests include:

1.      Employment and other relevant paid activities such as consultancy
or directorship

2.      Honorary positions or association at any substantial level

3.      Project funding and research grants

4.      Consultancies, grants or honoraria for research, support to attend
conferences and meetings, or to cover travel and accommodation.

5.      Stocks, donations, gifts Stockholding, donations, gifts and other
benefits that may be relevant.

The general guide is to disclose any interests financial or otherwise that
if disclosed by a third party might cause reasonable adverse comment,
embarrassment, or other difficulty. If in doubt please include possible
interests. Further guidelines are available in the WPHNA COI Policy.


*Oral Presentations *

*Workshop *- Workshops may be up to 90 minutes. They should aim to explore
and make recommendations on knowledge, policy or action related to an issue
relevant to the conference themes OR provide participants with an
opportunity to develop a new skill relevant to public health nutrition
practice. Interactive formats are mandatory. Abstracts should identify the
aims/learning objectives of the workshop, background, process and how the
workshop findings will be utilized and disseminated for capacity building.

*Long Oral *- Presenters will have a total of 12 minutes (10 minutes for
presentation, 2 minutes for questions). There will be 6 speakers per
session with 15 minutes at the end of the session for discussion. The
session will have a nominated chair.

*Table Top - *Table tops act as a pathway for networking and sharing of
information directly with delegates in an interactive setting. Table Tops
involve multiple presenters, with each presenter at a round table of up-to
9 participants. Each presentation has been allocated 12 minutes – 6 minutes
for presenting and 6 minutes for questions. A bell will be rung at 6
minutes indicating questions should commence. Once your 12 minutes is up,
music will start playing and you will need to move to the next table number
then repeat your presentation. If you are located on the final table
number, please ensure you move to Table 1.

As each table will only be allocated one reserved sign for each speaker, we
can only accept one speaker per table.

*Storytelling - *In many cultures, stories and narratives are informal but
important methods for conveying information. This format will accept
stories up to 20 minutes long from one or more contributors, followed by 10
minutes open discussion with session participants, leading to a conclusion
or recommendation relevant to the Congress theme.

*Rapid Fire *- Presenters will have 6 minutes’ presentation time using up
to 3 power point slides, e.g.1. beginning (background) 2. middle (body) 3.
end (summary), and allowing to answer one question briefly at the
conclusion of the talk. The session will have a nominated chair.

*Conversation Starter *- Is there a topic related to the Congress themes
that you wish to debate with other delegates? Find your tribe by
participating in a Conversation Starter. These will be scheduled at various
times during session breaks at the Congress. Speakers will have 2 minutes
to present and can nominate a meeting place for further discussion.

Abstracts should state 1.the question to debate 2. Background 3. Speaker’s
position on the question 4. Justification of position.

*Poster Presentations *

Designated periods will be allocated in the program when presenters will
attend their posters to take questions and discuss their work.

Abstracts requirements:

All intended presentations require the submission of an abstract. All
abstracts will be subject to peer review

.                 Refer to the online abstract submission form or manual
abstract submission form for requirements

.                 The abstract title should be no longer than *12 words *

.                 The abstract should be a *maximum of 250 words *in simple
text paragraphs without images or tables and unless otherwise stated,
include headings: background/aims, methods, results, conclusions (including
linkage to SDG’s) and significance to public health nutrition (So what

.                 If there is more than one presenter, all correspondence
will be sent to the person whose name and email address is entered with the

.                 Abstracts must be accompanied by a completed Conflict of
Interests Declaration as part of the abstract submission form.

Whilst every effort will be made to accept an abstract for the nominated
presentation format, the Scientific Committee reserves the right to
allocate a different presentation type if appropriate.

Abstract submission closes on Sunday 21 July 2019, at 11:59pm AEST

Presentation offers will be advised in early/mid August, 2019

*Please note: *All presenters must register at the time of confirming their
acceptance presentation offer and pay the conference registration fee


For further information contact the PHAA Events Team on:

*E: *events at *T: *+61 2 6285 2373 Or visit the World Public
Health Nutrition Congress 2020 website.


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