PHM-Exch> Globalization and Health journal: Call for Papers: Health in the SDGs: Intersectoral Action for Health

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Fri Dec 7 03:38:57 PST 2018

You may be interested in this call for attracts from the Globalization and
Health journal:

The call for abstracts is below. The deadline for submitting an abstract is
Monday, December 10, but my understanding is that the editors will be
flexible, so if you may be a day or several late, I suggest that you do not
let that deter you. And check back at the website over the coming days if
you would like to submit an abstract but will not be able to by or near the
deadline, just in case it gets extended.

Call for Papers: Health in the SDGs: Intersectoral Action for Health

*Globalization and Health*
<> is seeking
contributions for an article collection that showcases multisectoral
approaches to achieving the health and well-being related goals in the
United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Agenda consists
of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Member States aim to achieve by 2030. Goal 3 focuses explicitly on health,
however, almost all other goals are related to or contribute to health and

This article collection will focus on policies and programmes outside the
health sector – potentially in collaboration with the health sector – that
have health implications through commercial, cultural, economic,
environmental, political, or social determinants of health. We hope to
gather critical lessons on effectively engaging other sectors to enhance
their health outputs, identifying co-benefits and ‘win-wins’ that enhance
human health.

We look forward to theoretical, review, and empirical submissions that
demonstrate active engagement in SDG-related policies and programmes
outside the health sector that have an effect on population health.

We expect submissions to take an interdisciplinary and intersectoral
perspective, and to apply methods such as policy analysis, embedded
research, or systems thinking. Specific areas of interest might include but
are not limited to:

   - Three years into the SDG agenda; what are different sectors doing in
   terms of implementation?
   - Multisectoral and intersectoral action: how sectors outside health are
   contributing to the achievement of their own SDG target(s) through policies
   and programmes that affect population health
   - Commercial, social, cultural, political, economic, and environmental
   enablers and barriers to the achievement of SDGs
   - Contradictions within the SDGs that could undermine their progressive
   realization and how these contradictions might be challenged or overcome

*Globalization and Health* and the Guest Editors would like to promote the
inclusion of researchers and practitioners from diverse disciplines. A
two-round process will take place. First, abstracts will be reviewed for
consideration in the special issue. Upon review, the Guest Editors will
invite selected authors to submit a full paper. Preference will be given to
first authors from low- and middle-income countries and to gender-balanced
author teams. Collaboration across institutions (across HICs and LMICs) is

Please submit an extended abstract of 500 words as a Word document to
sdgspecialissue at (must include Introduction/Background, Aim,
Methods, Results, and Conclusion) by Monday, 10 December, 2018

Queries may be directed to Sameera Hussain or Dena Javadi via
sdgspecialissue at
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