PHM-Exch> PHM-Latin America Position on Ana Quiróz Víquez

SC Greenblatt susanfidel at
Mon Dec 3 13:29:29 PST 2018

María Zúniga in Nicaragua asked me to share the English version of this position and to ask you to please disseminate it. Thank you. Susan Greenblatt

People’s Health Movement – Latin America

Position on Repression, Murders and Human RightsViolations by the Government of Nicaragua, Ruled by the Ortega-Murillos, Particularlyon the Arbitrary Deportation of Ana Quirós Víquez



The People’s Health Movement in Latin Americahereby expresses to the international community its profound concern over theevents that have been occurring in our sister nation of Nicaragua since April2018, which were triggered by highly unpopular reforms the government tried tomake to the pension system. This was the fuse that lit the popular explosionagainst abuses of power by Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo, the rulingcouple, which so far have left a toll of over 300 dead, thousands of wounded,hundreds of people arbitrarily detained without access to due process, and tensof thousands of exiles.


This situation has led many longstanding socialorganizations, including the Centro de Información y Servicios de Asesoríaen Salud (CISAS), ahealth NGO, to demand a process of dialogue that would develop a minimum set ofunderstandings to end the abuses and bloodshed of our comrades who  suffer repression, abuse and death daily.


One of these historic voices comes from AnaQuirós Víquez, who was beaten while participating in a public demonstration on18 April, resulting in wounds to her head and fractures of her right hand. Sheemerged from this undaunted to continue the struggle demanding dialogue andnegotiation. As a consequence, on Tuesday, 27 November, following an arbitrarydecision by the Ortega-Murillo government, she was expelled from Nicaragua,arguing that she “has two nationalities” (Costa Rican and Nicaraguan), andunjustifiably banned from entering Nicaragua for the next five years.


Given these events, the People’s HealthMovement in Latin America CONDEMNS:


1.      Therepression and impunity that has been inflicted by the Ortega-Murillo regime onour sister nation of Nicaragua since April 2018; and


2.      Thecriminalization of social protest, labelling it as an attempted coup orexternal aggression, thus denying the establishment of dialogue andnegotiations to put an end to the bloodshed and human rights violations.




The arbitrary, tyrannical expulsion of ourcomrade ANA QUIRÓS VÍQUEZ, in violation of her rights, specifically herpolitical rights.





Immediately reinstate the right of Ana QuirósVíquez to live freely as a Nicaraguan citizen in her country, which she hasdone so much to defend at different points in its history.




Take a political position in defence of rightsand true democracy, and break from the indifference that makes them accomplicesof the regime.




Speak out and join in demanding that ANA QUIRÓSVÍQUEZ must be given back the full exercise of her rights.



Latin America, November 2018.





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