PHM-Exch> On inequality, changing wealth of nations and struggle for democracy.

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Thu Feb 8 14:55:42 PST 2018

From: David Legge <D.Legge at>

People's everyday practices, not the elites of Davos, hold the human
economy answer to inequality <

Marc C. A. Wegerif <>

Oxfam has been successful in highlighting the gross and rapidly growing
inequalities in the world in international fora, but their approach of
asking the rich elites and their allies in governments to do the right
thing is not bringing change and worse it is perpetuating the myth that we
have no alternative other than to depend on large corporations. It is in
people's everyday practices, not from the elites that we are far more
likely to find meaningful solutions to inequality and the seeds of a more
human economy

New evidence of Africa's systematic looting, provided by an increasingly
schizophrenic World Bank <

Bond <>

 A recent World Bank report


, *The Changing Wealth of Nations 2018*, offers evidence of how much poorer
Africa is becoming thanks to rampant minerals, oil and gas extraction. Yet
World Bank policies and practices remain oriented to enforcing foreign loan
repayments and transnational corporate profit repatriation, thus
maintaining the looting.

Struggle for democracy: Problems with plunderocracy and imperialist
intervention <

Chowdhury <>

Challenges in the struggle for democracy assume definite shape and
character: no scope for ignoring imperialism and plunder, and lending space
to imperialists and its proxies while organising the struggle for
democracy. So, the stand is: oppose imperialism and plunder, and don’t
deactivate the march to democracy.
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