PHM-Exch> [PHM NEWS] PHM Bangladesh Discussion Meeting on People's Health Assembly 2018 in Dhaka

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Fri Nov 10 22:15:16 PST 2017

From: Adhikary Babul Kumar <adhikarybabul at>

*Meeting on People's Health Assembly 2018 at Savar, Dhaka*

A meeting was held on  the issue of *People's Health Assembly 2018 (PHA
2018)* at Gono Sasthya Kendra Nagar Hospital Dhanmondi Dhaka, Bangladesh on
10th November 2017 at 4-00 to 6-30 pm.

Professor Dr. Laila Parveen Banu, Vice-chancellor, Gono Bishwabidyalay
chaired the meeting organized by PHM Bangladesh. Dr. med. Christiane
Fischer, MPH, PHM Germany attended the meeting where Dr. Zafrullah
Choudhury, pioneer of People's Health Movement was key discussant.
Mr. Babul Kumar Adhikary, Vice-Chair, PHM Bangladesh gave a present view of
PHM Bangladesh activities while Ms. Samia Afrin gave welcome address.
It was a lively discussion on how to fruitfully organize PHA 2018 in
Bangladesh, the participants from PHM Bangladesh Executive Committee
members (9 present), STI/AIDS Network of Bangladesh (SANB), Lions Clum,
different NGOs, CBOs and CSOs took part in the discussion. The issue
discussed included i) time of PHA: would it possible to organize PHA 18 in
December 2018? as at that moment national election may held ii) How to
provide accommodate 1500 foreign participants within the vicinity of PHA
Savar or near by suitable and secured places. iii) involvement of community
people at grass root level iv) involvement of Government of Bangladesh
policy makers v) role of PHM Bangladesh vi) Management of PHA 2018 as a
PHM Bangladesh expressed firm determination and commitment to organize PHA
2018 in Bangladesh and shall put all out effort to make the assembly

\Babul Kumar Adhikary
PHM Bangladesh
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