PHM-Exch> Global Health Summer School & Conference - Berlin 14-20.Sep.2014

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Fri Apr 25 03:34:07 PDT 2014

From: Tinnemann, Peter <Peter.Tinnemann at>

We observe that the healthcare industry is becoming increasingly dominant,
profiting from over-diagnosis, over-treatment and over-consumption while
basic health needs are not met. At the same time financial resources are
being shifted within this evolving system to benefit shareholders,
management and bureaucratic procedures, while the professionalism of health
workers’, medical institutions and science are becoming ever more
compromised  by financial considerations.

To foster debate and discussion on these developments, the Institute for
Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics (Charité -
Universitätsmedizin Berlin) and International Physicians Against Nuclear
War Germany (IPPNW) invite you to the following Global Health Summer events
in Berlin:

- a one-week Global Health Summer School (September 14-19, 2013): "From the
power of the market to the health of the people"
Participants will learn and discuss how health is being converted from a
public good and basic human right to a corporatised market commodity
More information...<>

- a one-day Global Health Conference (September 20, 2013): "Corporate
Capture of Health - a threat to Science and Democracy?"
A public, one-day conference to deepen debate on the issues raised at the
summer school and to open up the discussion to the general public.
More information...<>

To foster an interdisciplinary exchange, we welcome all students in
humanities and medicine as well as young physicians who already have some
experience in Global Health.

We are happy to answer your enquiries (globalhealth at<mailto:
globalhealth at>) and looking forward receiving your applications
(Application deadline: May 15, 2013). More information about the Global
Health Summer 2013 and the application procedure are on our homepage<>

PS: Please forward this mail to your fellow students, colleagues and
friends who are interested in Global Health.
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