Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Sat Mar 15 20:33:55 PDT 2014

 From: David Legge <D.Legge at>

After a productive 'watch' at the WHO Executive Board in January, PHM's WHO
Watch team has launched its website for the World Health Assembly in May
this year. You are warmly invited to visit the WHA67 index
page<>and explore the item pages
which hang off it in order to preview the
discussion at the Assembly and consider the PHM commentary.

PHM's country circles are urged to scan the issues appearing on the WHO
agenda and see whether there are issues being dealt here which are local
priorities as well. In such cases, there may be some benefit to be had from
making the links in various ways between the global and the local. For
example, some of the issues on the World Health Assembly agenda in May this
year include: infant nutrition, tuberculosis, hepatitis, antimicrobial
resistance, medicines regulation, violence against women and many more.

PHM activists are invited to comment on the commentary and to seek the
comment of more specialised networks, both at the global level and locally,
e.g., in relation to nutrition issues and food sovereignty; likewise for
medicines, violence against women, etc. In some cases, PHM activists may
choose to explore with ministers of health, their position on some of these

Please respond to WHO-Watch_Coordination at
 About WHO Watch

WHO Watch <> is a program of engagement
with the World Health Organisation and global health governance (GHG) more
generally.  The broad goal of the Initiative is to improve the global
environment for health development by changing the information flows and
power relations which frame global health decision-making and
implementation. This will require developing countries finding a stronger
voice in global decision making, supported by a broadly based popular
mobilisation which rejects the prevailing neoliberal paradigm.

WHO is a central agent in global health governance and worth engaging with
for this reason alone, but building our 'watching' capacity in relation to
WHO will provide a firm basis for extending the project to the wider field
of GHG. For these reasons WHO Watch is seen as a necessary first stage in
the implementation of the DGHG Initiative. The main activities which
comprise WHO Watch include:

   - recruiting and training 'watchers';
   - maintaining a high quality website dealing in an integrated way with
   WHO governing body meetings, agenda items, and policy issues and providing
   a portal to other relevant resources;
   - monitoring, participating in and lobbying around meetings of WHO's
   governing bodies (World Health Assembly, Executive Board, regional
   - collaborating with developing country governments and delegations in
   policy analysis around global health issues under consideration by WHO;
   - strengthening the links between the local and thematic campaigns
   around health justice and activism around the structures and dynamics of
   global health governance;  engaging in national level consultation with
   government officials regarding global health issues through delegations,
   deputations, national workshops and stoking a national policy dialogue
   around GHG issues.
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