PHM-Exch> 133rd Executive Board Discussions on WHO's engagement with non-state actors (NSA)

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Fri Jun 7 10:50:01 PDT 2013

From: Ina Verzivolli <ina.verzivolli at>

*IBFAN’s digest of discussions at the 133**rd **Executive Board on WHO’s
engagement with non-state actors (NSA)*

*29-30 May 2013 *****

*WHO Secretariat fails to act on WHA decision on relations with non-state
actors *****

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The document *EB
* ‘*WHO Governance reform: report by the Secretariat’* informed the
discussion of EB member states at the 133rd session of the EB on WHO’s
engagement with non-state actors (NSA). The document proposed an overall
approach based on 4 overarching principles, a typology of interactions and
a proposed comprehensive system for identifying and managing conflicts of
interests that is yet to be developed. ****

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The burning point of the discussion was the issue of differentiation
between different types of NSA*. *Despite previous decisions by member
states (MS) and their continuous guidance on this matter, no typology of
actors was put forward in this report by the Secretariat. Most importantly,
the approach proposed by the Secretariat goes counter the decision 65(9) by
the WHA which requested two specific and separate policies on interaction
with NGOs and the private commercial entities. This feeling was expressed
by many MS as they asked for clarification on why the previous decisions
had not been reflected in the approach contained in the document, and as
they affirmed that they look forward to their concerns being reflected in a
refined paper. ****

In our view, the Secretariat report has deliberately overlooked previous
decisions by MS and has chosen not to propose any classification/typology
or categories of NSA, thus opting for a position of the major donor
countries and not of all MS of WHO. ****

 However, IBFAN was pleased with many constructive interventions by MS
which addressed these shortcomings, and with the decision of MS to not
endorse the document, but instead to ‘*note*’ it, and ask the Secretariat
to advance this work taking into account their deliberations at this EB

In her closing remarks, the Director-General (DG) confirmed that the
Secretariat will work to develop the two policy papers decided by the 65th

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Go here for the full comments:

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GIFA- Geneva Infant Feeding Association****

IBFAN- International Baby Food Action Network************

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