PHM-Exch> Revitalized content on Social Determinants of Health in the WHO website now available

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Tue May 14 00:36:00 PDT 2013

From: Ruggiero, Mrs. Ana Lucia (WDC) <ruglucia at>
crossposted from: EQUIDAD at

** ** ** ** ** **

*Revitalized content on “social determinants of health” in the WHO website
now available




Since the World Conference on Social Determinants of Health in ****Rio de
Janeiro**** last 2011, there has been a surge of interest and commitment
among different stakeholders, especially WHO Member States, to addressing
the social determinants of health to achieve health equity.


In order to support this growing global movement, the Secretariat now
launches a newly-revitalized website that captures the considerable body of
work done since the launch of the report of the *WHO Commission on Social
Determinants of Health* in 2008.
The website’s contents are more accessible and better organized, and
include useful information on the following areas:


**·         ***Evidence:* An enormous amount of evidence has been
established by WHO and its partners on the various themes covered by the
Commission’s work – from early child development to globalization – as well
as on previous experiences by countries and international institutions in
addressing the social determinants of health.


**·         ***Action:* WHO, in cooperation with ****Member** **States****,
other UN agencies, and other sectors, has initiated programs and activities
that implement the five action areas of the *Rio Political Declaration on
Social Determinants of Health*, which was endorsed by WHO Member States
during the 65th World Health Assembly in 2012.


**·         ***Global commitments:* This part features key documents,
resolutions, and declarations that express the political commitment of WHO,
its ****Member** **States****, and the global community to the social
determinants of health approach.


The revised website also highlights up-to-date progress on the
implementation of the social determinants approach at national and global
levels. In addition, it showcases relevant publications as well as learning
tools that aim to build capacity for acting on social determinants and
translate knowledge into policy and practice.


*Publications ---sample:*
*Progress on the implementation of the Rio Political Declaration
* **** *
*Research priorities for the environment, agriculture and infectious
diseases of poverty
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