PHM-Exch> Southern led letter to members of High Level Panel of Experts on Post-2015 Development Agenda [4 Attachments]

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Fri May 10 07:36:01 PDT 2013

From: Thea Gelbspan <tgelbspan at>

Castellano et francais below

<*>[Attachment(s)  included below]

A group of Southern civil society organizations has taken the initiative to
prepare a letter to the members of the high-level panel of experts<> (HLP) as it reviews the
final draft of a report it will submit to the UN Secretary General at the
end of May, laying the groundwork for action once the Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs) expire in 2015. The letter identifies a number of
key messages and asks the members of the HLP not to accept the latest draft
of HLP report if it does not incorporate these messages.

For more information or to sign on, please contact:
•       Sarah Boukhari (sarah.boukhari at<mailto:
sarah.boukhari at>),
•       Hanan younis (hanan.younis at<mailto:hanan.younis at>)
•       Ana Claudia Zeballos (anaclau at<mailto:anaclau at
•       Social Watch (socwatch at<mailto:
socwatch at>)


Un grupo de organizaciones de la sociedad civil del Sur ha tomado la
iniciativa de dirigir individualmente a los miembros del Panel de Alto
Nivel una carta pidiéndoles que se distancien públicamente de las
conclusiones del informe, si éstas no contemplan algunos puntos mínimos
(ver carta en anexo).


Un groupe d'organisations de la société civile du Sud a pris l'initiative
d'écrire une lettre aux membres du Groupe de haut niveau leur demandant de
se distancier publiquement des conclusions du rapport, si elles ne
prévoient pas certains messages clés (voir lettre en annexe, pour l’instant
seul en Anglais et Espagnol).

<*> 4 of 4 File(s)
  <*> Last Appeal to HLP-esp.docx
  <*> Last Appeal to HLP-eng.docx
  <*> Last Appeal to HLP-Ar.docx
  <*> Last Appeal to HLP-fra.docx
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