PHM-Exch> What do people want for health in the post-2015 agenda?

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Fri Apr 19 21:41:22 PDT 2013

From: Ruggiero, Mrs. Ana Lucia (WDC) <ruglucia at>
crossposted from: EQUIDAD at

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*What do people want for health in the post-2015 agenda?*

*Task Team for the Global Thematic Consultation on Health in the Post-2015
Development Agenda****

Ties Boerma a, Mickey Chopra b, Clare Creo a, Shenaaz El-Halabi c, Johanna
Lindgren-Garcia d, Themba Moeti e, Anders Nordström d, Joy Phumaphi f,
Kumanan Rasanathan


*The Lancet, Early Online Publication, 19 April 2013*

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“…..With fewer than 1000 days remaining to the target dates for achievement
of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), it is timely to ask: what is
the world we want for health in the post-2015 era?
This is the question posed by a global consultation that we have had the
privilege to coordinate since September, 2012.****

There is no shortage of people with an answer. More than 150 000 people
from all regions visited the consultation website, and more than 100
thoughtful reports were submitted by a wide range of organisations and
authors. 14 face-to-face consultations attracted more than 1600 people in
places as far-ranging as **La Paz**, **Dar es Salaam**, **Abuja**, **
Amsterdam**, **New York**, **Beijing**, and ****Bangkok****.


On April, 19, 2013, we launched the final report of the consultation, which
aims to do justice to this outpouring of intellectual and emotional energy.
The report follows a stakeholder meeting to review the first draft, open
review of the second draft via the website, and a 2 day meeting in
Gaborone, Botswana, which convened 50 participants (representatives from
each of the constituencies that contributed to the consultation, including
UN Member States, civil society, the private sector, academics, and heads
of global health organisations) to discuss the penultimate draft. ****

** **

The report will be submitted to the UN High-level Panel of Eminent Persons
on the Post-2015 Development Agenda and to the UN Secretary-General to help
inform the deliberations on the post-2015 agenda at the UN General Assembly
in September, 2013.
We also hope that the report will find a wide use and readership,
continuing to stimulate debate about how to best place health in the
post-2015 agenda—which is likely to continue well into 2015…..”****

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*Final Report of the Global Thematic Consultation on Health*

April 2013*

World Health Organization, UNICEF, the Government of Sweden, the Government
of Botswana, United Nations


*“…Human development as an approach, deals with what I consider the basic
development idea:
namely, increasing the richness of human life rather than the wealth of the
economy in which human beings live, which is only a part of life itself*.”
 —Amartya Sen, Nobel Prize winner for economics in 1998


Available online PDF [108p.] at:


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“…..Between September 2012 and March 2013 the Global Thematic Consultation
on Health in the Post-2015 Development Agenda received inputs from people
and organizations around the world on how best to ensure the health of
future generations.****

The objectives for the consultation were:****

- to stimulate wide-ranging discussion at global, regional, and country
levels on progress made and lessons learnt from the MDGs relating to health;

- to discuss and develop a shared understanding among Member States, UN
agencies, civil society, and other stakeholders on the positioning of
health in the post-2015 development framework; and****

- to propose health goals and related targets and indicators for the
post-2015 development agenda, as well as approaches for implementation,
measurement, and monitoring.****

Over 150,000 people from all regions visited the consultation website ( ). Over 100 papers were submitted by a wide range of
organizations and authors, and 14 face-to-face meetings attracted over
1,600 people in places as far apart as **La Paz**, **Dar es Salaam**, **
Abuja**, **Amsterdam**, **New York**, **Beijing**, and ****Bangkok****. ****

** **

The papers and meeting reports are available on the consultation website. ****

Following a three-week public review of the first draft of this report, a
high-level meeting was convened in ****Gaborone**, **Botswana**** in early
March 2013 to discuss a revised draft.****

** **

This report is a summary of the findings from the full consultative




Executive summary ****

1. Introduction ****

The debate on the post-2015 development agenda begins ****

About this report ****

2. The consultation process ****

3. Lessons from the health MDGs ****

Strengths and achievements ****

Room for improvement ****

Differing views on the same issue ****

4. How health is linked to development ****

Health as a beneficiary of and a contributor to development ****

The links between health and the ten other post-2015 UN development themes *

Health as a critical pathway to human rights and equality ****

5. Health priorities post-2015: opportunities and challenges ****

A complex, rapidly changing, uncertain world ****

Emerging health priorities ****

The importance of health systems ****

6. Guiding principles, goals, targets, and indicators: summary of inputs
from the consultation ****

Universal challenges, universal goals ****

Guiding principles for the post-2015 development framework ****

A development agenda focused on health and well-being ****

A health goal: maximizing healthy lives ****

A goal of universal coverage of and access to affordable, comprehensive,
high-quality health services ****

More MDG-like goals ****

Indicators to monitor progress ****

7. Implementation: mutual accountability and shared responsibility ****

Comprehensive health and poverty-reduction policies and mechanisms ****

Financial resources and mechanisms ****

Accountability and improving measurement capacities ****

Cooperation and coordination****

8. Framing health in the post-2015 development agenda ****

Health and the post-2015 agenda: inextricably linked ****

Health goals for an evolving world: universal, equitable, people-centred,
and results-oriented ****

Not just what, but how ****

9. The road to 2015 ****

Annex 1. Summary of written inputs into the consultation ****

Table 1: Consultations ****

Table 2: Submitted papers


*This publication is a synthesis of inputs received during the Global
Thematic Consultation on Health. The content and recommendations do not
necessarily represent the decisions or policies of the World Health
Organization, UNICEF, the Government of Sweden or the Government of
Botswana, or reflect the official views of the United Nations, its agencies
or its Member States.*
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