PHM-Exch> [PHM NEWS] Letter from PHM Global Steering Council Co-Chairs

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Thu Feb 14 01:25:53 PST 2013

From: PHM Global Secretariat <globalsecretariat at>

Please find below a letter from the PHM Global Steering Council Co Chairs.

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* *

*Dear friends,*

* *

*The recently concluded PHM Steering Council (SC) meeting (Bangkok, Jan
27-28) marked a new stage in the development of the People’s Health
* *

*The regional reports which were presented at the SC meeting described many
diverse initiatives being undertaken by PHM country circles, as well as the
global programs such as the International People’s Health University (IPHU)
and the Global Health Watch (GHW), giving a new reality to the vision of
the People’s Charter for Health. These are very encouraging times, but we
have a long way to go before the goals and objectives articulated in the
Charter are achieved.*
* *

*With the appointment of a new Coordinating Commission (CoCo) the
governance renewal process 2012 is finished. In the days following PHA3 in
Cape Town in July 2012, we inaugurated a new and more representative
Steering Council with a welcome infusion of young blood. The new CoCo,
elected at the recent Bangkok SC meeting includes three members from the
previous CoCo and four new members. We have achieved a good balance between
rejuvenation and continuity with greater representation of women. At this
SC meeting we also launched PHM’s new Global Advisory Council comprising
some of our senior members, including many of the activists who conceived
the first People’s Health Assembly and brought it to reality in Savar in
December 2000. *
* *

*Among the more difficult agenda items at the recent SC meeting were the
financial report, the draft budget for PHM Global and the fund raising
strategy. The good news is that the costs associated with PHA 3 have been
covered and we do not have any debts . However, it is a matter of urgent
concern that our funds are very low and, until and unless we can raise
further funds, our activities will be quite restricted. (More on this
* *

*The SC has identified ‘movement building’ as one of the top priorities for
the next period. This was highlighted in the PHA3 Call to Action and
underlined again by the SC as this is also the main vision of PHM. In
particular, we are looking towards a number of initiatives aimed at
strengthening country circles, local chapters and regional coordination and
bringing in newer networks representing diverse issues. Our aim is to make
the initiatives and leadership at the various levels truly gender
representative and to ensure that we are able to sustain and further
strengthen the areas where we have been able to make progress till now and
at the same time boost others with collective efforts. With the focus on
greater and equal progress and health for all we welcome your suggestions
and hope to receive your support .*
* *

*The renewal of the SC and the CoCo is a moment for us to acknowledge the
leadership of PHM in the recently concluded period. In particular, we thank
Fran Baum and Prem John who have co-chaired the SC and CoCo since PHA2 in
Cuenca in 2005. They have steered PHM through some tricky waters to a much
stronger position. Thanks also to the other retiring members of the SC and
the CoCo and to all of the wonderful comrades who have contributed so much
to the development of PHM to this point.*
* *

*We, and all of the members of the new CoCo and the new SC, are fully aware
of the responsibilities we carry and of the high standards which have been
set by others before us.*
* *

*Yours in the spirit of the Charter,*
* *

*Sarojini N and David Legge (Co-chairs PHM Global from Jan 2013)*
* *

*PS. We will circulate a more detailed report of the Steering Committee
meeting shortly.*
* *

*PPS. The names of the new SC members and CoCo members are as follows. *
* *


*SC and CoCo:*
* *

*Sarojini Nadimpali (Co chair and CoCo)*
* *

*David Legge (Co chair and CoCo)*
* *

*Fran Baum (CoCo)*
* *

*Wim De Ceukelaire (CoCo)*
* *

*David Sanders (CoCo)*
* *

*Mauricio Torres (CoCo)*
* *

*Camila Giugliani (CoCo)*
* *

*Delen de la Paz*
* *

*Chiara Bodini*
* *

*Vivi Camacho*
* *

*Hugo Icu*
* *

*Leigh Heynes*
* *

*Rudolf Abugnaba*
* *

*Ghassan Hamdan*
* *

*Qasem Chowdhury*
* *

*Claudio Schuftan *
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*John Mahama*
* *

*Goppakumar Kappoori*
* *

*Tim Reed*
* *

*Andreas Wulf*
* *


*Ex officio:*
* *

*Bridget Lloyd*
* *

*Hani Serag*
* *

*Amit Sengupta*
* *

* *
Global Secretariat
People's Health Movement (PHM)
Email: **globalsecretariat at*<globalsecretariat at>
*Web: *** <>
* *
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