PHM-Exch> Stop the Israeli brutality on Gaza (2)

ubuntupunk at ubuntupunk at
Fri Nov 16 06:02:33 PST 2012

Dear PHM

Yet again we are witness to state sponsored terrorism and violence. This is
a war that effects children on both sides. Kids in Gaza and Israel are
bearing the brunt of a war being fought by adults. One cannot simply shrug
off the terrible images being conveyed via social networks and media of
burnt babies and injured children on both sides. This is not the first time
nor the last that we are likely to see this tragedy happen. The parties to
the conflict have long standing grievances and demands.

The recent People's Health Assembly (PHA3)  saw the participation of
delegations from the Palestinian Territories as well as Egypt. There were
no Israeli delegates to my knowledge and thus an opportunity for both sides
to engage on the issues was missed. A motion calling for a statement by the
Assembly regarding Israel was opposed by a German delegate.  As a person of
Jewish descent and also as an anarchist, I have made my views on this
subject well-known. I do not support the statist positions on either side
and believe the monopoly on force by the state needs to be ended and
replaced with a society based upon mutual aid and voluntary participation.

There are a number of questions which trouble me and which I would
appreciate if PHM could answer:

1. When will the cycle of violence end?

2. Why is there no Palestinian Freedom Charter?

3. Why is Israel being targeted with rockets and while Gaza is being
targeted with bombs?

4. How many Palestinian States does the world need? Last time I checked, it
appeared there were at least three entities, the Palestinian State of
Jordan, the Territory of Gaza and the Territory of the West Bank.

5. Does PHM support UN Resolution 242 which outlaws land gained by acts of
war and conquest?

6. What is PHM actively doing to mediate between the two warring parties
and are there any plans to end the conflict through citizen negotiations?

7. What are PHM views on Freedom of Religion and also a general boycott
of munitions and instruments of war?

Here are some links to images which I find disturbing:

Also some Peace Kids links:

*David Robert Lewis*
*PO BOX 4398*
*Cape Town*
*South Africa*
*Mobile 082 425 1454*
*Home 021 448 0021*
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*Fax **0862396815*
*Skype david.robert.lewis*
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