PHM-Exch> Report from the Global Secretariat in Cape Town

Claudio Schuftan cschuftan at
Fri Oct 26 19:50:22 PDT 2012

From: "Bridget Lloyd" <blloyd at>,

Warm greetings from Cape Town!!

Things have been settling down post-PHA3, and all three secretariats have
been busy with reports and follow up actions agreed on at the Assembly.
This email is mainly focused on the governance renewal process, with a few
snippets of other news. More detailed information on the governance renewal
is on the website.

Since late 2010, we have been working on a governance renewal process which
 incorporates principles of renewal, transparency and participation and
aims to ensure representation of active PHM structures in the Steering
Council (SC).

In the lead up to PHA3, we started engaging with country and regional
structures and affiliated networks with the aim of having a new SC in place
at PHA3. The regions all went through processes to nominate representatives
onto the SC.  Some are new, and some have remained the same – this is good
as we have both continuity and renewal!
During the PHA3, time was made available in the evenings for regions and
networks to meet and discuss strategies and representation. As this was the
first opportunity for affiliated networks to meet, it was agreed that we
would allow a few months for further engagement within the networks,
following which four networks would be nominated to represent the pool of
networks on the SC. We are happy to inform you that the networks have since
chosen representatives for the SC.  Five networks indicated an interest and
willingness to be on the SC; our Coordinating Commission (CoCo) proposed
that, for this initial period, and with the principle of transparency and
inclusion, we allow all five on and would revert to four in the next term.
 The five networks that will represent all networks on the SC are: Médecine
pour le Tiers Monde (M3M) , Latin American Association of Social Medicine
(ALAMES), Medicus Mundi International Network (MMI), Third World Network
(TWN) and Health Action International (HAI) global. For a full list of all
affiliated networks that form part of the network pool, please refer to our

While finding ways to encourage and build younger leadership, we are also
very aware of the need to continue to draw on the wisdom and experience
that some of our founding members bring to PHM. At the SC meeting in Cape
Town, it was agreed to form an Advisory Council and that the Chair of it
would also be on the SC– further information on the advisory council will
soon be available on our website.

The SC is the principal decision making body of PHM and provides strategic
guidance to the movement, develops positions and ensures fluent two way
communications between PHM and the regions/networks/programs they
represent. The Global Steering Council now consists of representatives of
the regional structures, global programs, affiliated networks and the
chairperson of the Advisory Council. Contact details are available on our
website – please do make contact with your respective regional reps and let
us all work on strengthening PHM at the grassroots!

New CoCo members still need to be chosen. We are looking for opportunities
early next year to do so when the SC could next meet face to face and, in
among other agenda items, nominate the new CoCo.  CoCo, which is the
executive of the SC, has monthly discussions and guides the work of the
global secretariat within the framework set by the SC.

*A few other bits of news:*

*PHA3: Cape Town Call to Action: *

The Call has been finalized following post PHA3 inputs; it is now available
on the website in English, French and Spanish! Please do share this widely
with colleagues and send your thoughts and ideas!

*Website (  *

We are in the process of updating our website – please do visit it and read
more about PHM; it would be fantastic to get feedback on it from you.

*Movement building: *

“PHM is only as strong as our weakest country circle” – this is something
often said by Dr Prem John, one of the founders of PHM and outgoing
chairperson of the SC. PHA3 showed us the strengths of our grassroots
movement while highlighting the importance of global action. But for global
action to be meaningful, we do need strong mobilization and activism at the
country and local levels. Between now and PHA4, we intend to work hard to
strengthen and build the people’s movement for health at the local level.
Among other things, our plan is to raise funds for part time regional
outreach coordinators, as we now have in Africa.

*Palestinian hunger strikers: *

PHM has written a letter to various Israeli decision makers, about the
appalling and inhumane conditions of the Palestinian hunger strikers. These
are all administrative prisoners (prisoners without trial) that have been
held without medical support or family visitation rights. The link to the
letter sent at the beginning of September can be found on our website's
home page – you can also endorse the letter from there.

*Deep Diplomacy: The role of PHM in global health: *

There was a great article on PHM and PHA3 in the Health Diplomacy Monitor,
following PHA3. This can be read online at


*PHM Newsletter*

The next issue of our fantastic PHM newsletter, compiled by Leigh Haynes
(who also did the newsletters during PHA3), is very near to being ready for
circulation and provides some great information on activities taking place
around the globe. Please do let Leigh know if you have news for future
newsletters! She can be contacted on leigh.kamore at always, the
newsletter will be available through phm-exchange.

Health for all!


Health for all!

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