PHM-Exch> The Global Fund & Aidspan want to Hear What you Think of the New Funding Model

Angela Kageni angela.kageni at
Mon Oct 15 21:43:39 PDT 2012

Dear Colleagues, 


What Do You Think of the New Funding Model?

At its meeting in Geneva on 13-14 September, the Global Fund Board approved
in principle the broad elements of a new funding model. This model is now to
be discussed in more detail at a meeting of the Board's Strategy, Investment
and Impact Committee (SIIC) on 24-26 October. Then, the SIIC will prepare
recommendations for discussion at the next Board meeting on 14-15 November.

It's an opportune time and platform to get your views heard. 

PLEASE COME SHARE ON THE DISCUSSION PAGE: Your comments, ideas, thoughts and
experiences are important.

With humble regard,




Angela Kageni, Senior Programme Officer ( <mailto:angela.kageni at>
angela.kageni at

Aidspan - an independent watchdog of the Global Fund, and publisher of
Global Fund Observer

P.O. Box 66869-00800, Nairobi, Kenya

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